Fred Zs * visit, his amicable meeting with PK & JC 42s fury!


Methods Man
I'm ten-times the Teamster you are, I care about my brothers and sisters, you only care about yourself and your position at the local!!

Get over yourself,!!
Look who's calling the kettle black,.... You're the biggest "rat" on here,.... I've not one time reported anybody on here, but YOU have, like a little girl,....

When the Teamsters United Slate volunteers were being harassed and intimidated while trying to collect signatures, They have every right to protect themselves, and if that means using your smart phones, by all means I will do it!

Now I don't give a flying-flip what you think of me,... I'm not running,...but we all know your behavior on here, and that's of a "punk".

Ur caps locked?


Well-Known Member
I'm convinced I'm your father.
I'm his dad. Trust me.



Well-Known Member
It's not flip-flopping when you turn against those who burned you and the membership of your local.

That's just human nature.

And just about everyone would do that same as FZ has done.

Maybe FZ made promises he could not keep. Seriously, I saw a lot of people on the "vote no" facebook page just voting no to prolong the company plan.
How nice,..... Your inner circle of friends think you have a screw loose,....

How embarrassing for your local and leader, to have an officer act like an idiot!!!
Your estrogen levels are showing again. How did it feel when no one would vote for you? How did it feel when you lost your job for good. Did it make you sad? Did it hurt your feelings? Do you feel loved me a failure? Well rest assured your mom still loves you even though she's embarrassed you lost ulyiur job at the parcel service. Change your bio by the way ups poop canned you.