Post Peak Peak


Man of Great Wisdom
Rolled in at 8 tonight and 3/4 of the drivers were still out. My latest day of Peak season. I enjoy answering the question "so, are you glad your busy season is over". Might be time to extend the free period a week or 2 so we can keep the casuals and seasonals working. Brutal.


All Trash No Trailer
same here. I'm turning in an 8 hour request for next Friday in the morning,my dispatcher will love me even more
i put in my 2 8 hour requests every month..if i get them great..if not i get paid!!!I batted 500 last year..i got paid for 10 out of 20!!!!! Also i hope to get my 3rd 9.5. tomorrow so i can opt in....Happy Newyear .boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


All Trash No Trailer
i put in my 2 8 hour requests every month..if i get them great..if not i get paid!!!I batted 500 last year..i got paid for 10 out of 20!!!!! Also i hope to get my 3rd 9.5. tomorrow so i can opt in....Happy Newyear .boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
same here. I made a great deal of money last year on the 9.5 list,and it looks like i'll be on it again early this year


Man of Great Wisdom
i put in my 2 8 hour requests every month..if i get them great..if not i get paid!!!I batted 500 last year..i got paid for 10 out of 20!!!!! Also i hope to get my 3rd 9.5. tomorrow so i can opt in....Happy Newyear .boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You proved my point. We have too much volume to allow 8 hours and 9.5s. Peak is longer now, time to adjust.


I'm my local they made an agreement to keep seasonal and helpers on another two weeks. We have language in our contract that states that if anyone is worked past Dec 31, then it counts toward seniority for a full time job.

Don't understand how hey came to this agreement
money in someones pocket thats where the agreement came from!!! (No money for you)....or the guy on the bottom of the list....THATS FOR SURE... Question......... Where is our union? answer In U.P.S BACK POCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Man of Great Wisdom
money in someones pocket thats where the agreement came from!!! (No money for you)....or the guy on the bottom of the list....THATS FOR SURE... Question......... Where is our union? answer In U.P.S BACK POCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I understand what you're saying but sometimes you need to adjust to changing conditions. Unions have a hard time with that.


Well-Known Member
Most drivers in my building are supposed be gone by 8:30am. I didn't clock out this morning until after 9:50am. One of my drivers probably didn't leave until 9:30am. I was actually asked if I could driver-help in one of our centers... but some point after, I heard that it was cancelled. Something about the "union not allowing it". Is that even possible? I don't know. Interesting day.


Man of Great Wisdom
Most drivers in my building are supposed be gone by 8:30am. I didn't clock out this morning until after 9:50am. One of my drivers probably didn't leave until 9:30am. I was actually asked if I could driver-help in one of our centers... but some point after, I heard that it was cancelled. Something about the "union not allowing it". Is that even possible? I don't know. Interesting day.

We had 5 helpers on road today. Same scheduled for tomorrow. Don't recall any after the 24th last year.


Bad Moon Risen'
Worked 13 hours today and when I called in my stats the sup told me it was forcasted to be heavier tomorrow. Was told that they were recalling the seasonal drivers and putting on helpers.
they have to give 10% of the routes per day an 8hr day...but only 1 per loop ...if your center has 40 routes..4 people per day can have an 8hr are allowed 2 per month except novmeber and december....hope that helps!!!!1


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
i put in my 2 8 hour requests every month..if i get them great..if not i get paid!!!I batted 500 last year..i got paid for 10 out of 20!!!!! Also i hope to get my 3rd 9.5. tomorrow so i can opt in....Happy Newyear .boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You proved my point. We have too much volume to allow 8 hours and 9.5s. Peak is longer now, time to adjust.

Peak is longer? Or do they just send a quarter of the work force home everyday.
Monty Hall is looking for a few UPS stay at home drivers...maybe he can show them whats behind curtain number 2...(can u say Mcdonalds?) or yes sir I will bring your car around!!!!!!


The Nim
I don't know about the drivers here, but on Midnight the last couple days in Orlando it still feels like peak, and Wednesday was ridiculous. Come in expecting 136k volume, ran somewhere around 170k instead. I don't know what we ran tonight but it wasn't the 125k predicted. A lot of the seasonals are back and we're still working doubles.

Something about this year is telling me peak isn't stopping at Jan 1 anymore.