Shouldered by a supervisor



ANY violence in the work place I'd handle thus:

1. Get the names of the witnesses in the area. Even swearing at you justifies a harassment suit. Of course, not in UPS land but in the actual code of laws, you know, that thing that UPS likes to skirt around?

2. Get police involved BEFORE UPS. This brings in a nonbiased third party and starts a paper trail (outside of UPS) on the stupidvisor. I would also imagine a police report would come in VERY handy during a grievance process as well as if he causes problems for you in the future, to take a restraining order against him. I'm sure the center manager would be extremely pissed but they don't need to be informed since it's you're right to phone the police if you feel threatened in any way.

3. Inform your BA

4. Inform your sup. I'm sure they'd be pissed for not being told first but that's only because they can't cover things up before the police arrive.

5. Call the 800 number

I just like to leave management out of anything until the last possible minute. This way things don't 'disappear' when the police do show up.

I don't know about the rest of you but there are two lines you don't cross. That's threatening with bodily harm and physical intimidation (including fights). Hell, who knows how unstable this sup is? Maybe after your first day back he'll pull a gun and say you've friend me over for the last time? Scary, but there are A LOT of messed up people that work for UPS.


Package Center Manager
Oh by the way Red,

What comes around, goes around.

I do not think you will be fired tomorrow, but some people will be walking on egg-shells on both sides. You say you do your job, you do but thats it (according to your posts) as far as being a good leave a lot to be desired.


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
Oh by the way Red,

What comes around, goes around.

I do not think you will be fired tomorrow, but some people will be walking on egg-shells on both sides. You say you do your job, you do but thats it (according to your posts) as far as being a good leave a lot to be desired.

Can you describe the perfect zombie- oops I mean employee?


My Senior Picture
I think tricks point that the sup will either deny contact or claim he stumbled into red will come true.

I for the first time also agree with trick that the sup is trying to provoke Red into a physical response. he's not a lone wolf. Someone sic'ed him on Red.
The expression take one for the team comes to mind where someone takes a punch for the team to get rid of a hot head or pain in the ass.

I don't condone these actions and have no problem speaking out against them. Red needs to take his vacation and see how management handled the response.

The problem will be that the "stumble" is going to be difficult to prove to be a deliberate act of physical violence.

Another problem will be that if the sup is disciplined Red may never know what was done.

Now playing devils advocate. Red take a stroke count. Its possible you may have given more abuse then you have so far gotten. If so then you may want to take that into consideration as you decide how far you want to push this.

If you have been a frequent loud hell raiser then people know who you are. this incident will be one where you will have trouble convincing people that you are a victim. This is an incident where your past will hurt you as you go for blood.
Even the words you post here may come back to haunt you.

If you like swimming in the devils pool then you have to expect that you will get burned from time to time.

Crazy as it sounds it may be bragging time. Don't be offended. You have done such a good job of being a pain in the ass that they have now resorted to playing stupid games to try to shut you up. Wear the event as a badge of honor rather then a slap in the face.

For what I believe may be only the second time ever, I think I might have to agree with Tie on this one. The burden of proof, as you know, is a tall hurdle. With your history, they will easily paint a picture in which you will appear to have culpability. Whether factual or not, it won't be hard.

Document the event in the form of a harassment grievance and move on.
This situation may even play out as a trump card in some of your future dealings as steward.

Take the high road and do as Tie eluded and wear it like a badge of honor. Maybe a battle scar would be better analogy. I would be surprised if this supe is still in your center when you return. His departure could be the resolution in the grievance process if the higher ups are sitting on their hands. Either way by taking this course you'll come off as the bigger man in the process.


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a pretty good discussion going here. I have been out of town in New Mexico attending a labor class that my Local sent me for over the last week. It was a pretty intense class and all of my free time out side of the class was spent on homework and research for the class.

I would like to thank the majority of the posters that have given good advice on how to handle this. I have stepped back from this situation and have allowed another steward to handle this and I am now looking at it from a grievants angle.

To tie and dragon, you both have really showed how UPS operates in these situations. UPS is unable to treat an employee that also happens to be a steward as just an employee. You have showed that UPS will do what ever it takes to single out someone for their union activity. I am an employee first and do my job to the best of my ability. It has been several years since I have even been talked to for anything in an official capacity related with performing my package car job with UPS.

Now if UPS would adhere to and honor the contract they would not have to deal with me or other stewards. As an employee I am protected by not only the contract but several other laws for discrimination for my dealings as a union steward.

And if you read ties posts, he condones violence against me because of my union activity. When I am acting as a steward or an employee, I do not have the right to touch another person employee or not, and it should work the same in return.

The supervisor is still working, so UPS's own policy has now been thrown out the window! The steward said that there is a video tape, but I will bet money that it will disappear, because everything I have stated is the truth. No one to my knowledge has even been interviewed so UPS has really opened itself up here. Any union employee that I have represented for violence in the work place has been taken out of service so that they may get to the bottom of it, and to protect the other employees in case the charges are serious. It appears that maybe the employees might have to defend themselves because UPS will not provide a safe workplace.

This is not the first harassment charge against this sup. That all I will get into on this, so that no legal ramifications come back, but he was promoted after the complaint!

I am an employee first and I have been elected by the employees to represent their best interest and the contracts. Now if UPS has a problem with that TOO BAD! I fully expect to get fired Monday morning when I arrive to work, and I am prepared to fight this through the grievance procedure, NLRB, DOL, and if need be through the court system.

As an employee or a steward on UPS property I have the right to a Violence free environment! If you don't like me as a steward, don't violate the contract and you wont have to deal with me. If you don't like me as an employee because YOU make it impossible to deliver all the airs on time and you don't know how to do your job and get air help as you were instructed to do by your boss the manager, than either figure out how to do your job or quit! But do not put your hands on me again!


Well-Known Member
hey red as an employee of ups i also have the right to to a [VIOLENCE FREE ENVIRONMENT]but noooooooo you do something the teamsters dont like that gives them the right to come after you like a pack of sharks! i put up with about 3 yrs of work place violence by your teamster buddies.the company was no better at helping me.[kept telling me that it would get better]alot better now than a few yrs ago.i will always put my family first,so please dont act like a victim.violence free environment means just that [EVERYBODY]


Well-Known Member
hey red as an employee of ups i also have the right to to a [VIOLENCE FREE ENVIRONMENT]

you are right, you do

but noooooooo you do something the teamsters dont like that gives them the right to come after you like a pack of sharks!

no it doesn't

i put up with about 3 yrs of work place violence by your teamster buddies.the company was no better at helping me.[kept telling me that it would get better]

whose teamster buddies? I doubt Red even knows them!
and if this so called "work place violence " lasted 3 years you should have complained louder and harder!

alot better now than a few yrs ago.i will always put my family first,so please dont act like a victim.violence free environment means just that [EVERYBODY]

No matter what you think, he is a victim. He is included in "everybody" as well as you!


Well-Known Member
You showed a great deal of restraint not bitch slapping that guy. I never heard of anything like that. When he made physical contact with you, and there are witnesses, I could be wrong but I think you have the right to defend yourself. I'm glad I've never been in a situation like that, I don't know if I could restrain myself the way you were able to. That guy should be flipping burgers at McDonalds...


Browncafe Steward
Well Red how did it go?
Anxious to know in Ohio
I meet with 2 HR reps today, my manager and I had a steward present. Of course its all my fault because I should have never sworn and the blame was being put back on me by HR. They will cover it up and support their sup. I gave a list of names of witnesses to them to talk with. It appears maybe Tie was right and he was told to go after me from the way the interview went. How can a group of people that are suppose to be neutral in an attempt to get to the bottom of this, make remarks like "well that is the truth" and "thats not how it happened"?

I wasnt too impressed with how the interview was conducted, their minds are made up, and God help them if anything every happens because of their neglect! If an employee is put in a position to defend themselves or if this sup loses it and actually harms or kills an employee, we know who to blame!!!!!!


Browncafe Steward
hey red as an employee of ups i also have the right to to a [VIOLENCE FREE ENVIRONMENT]but noooooooo you do something the teamsters dont like that gives them the right to come after you like a pack of sharks! i put up with about 3 yrs of work place violence by your teamster buddies.the company was no better at helping me.[kept telling me that it would get better]alot better now than a few yrs ago.i will always put my family first,so please dont act like a victim.violence free environment means just that [EVERYBODY]
You mean the drivers you drive with, not union reps! From what I have heard they poked a little fun at you because UPS had you as a 30 year safe driver on the board, yet you did not have 30 years with UPS. So you called corporate and filed a complaint for some humorous jabs. That's not violence BROTHER! You need to grow some thicker skin, its called humor!


Staff member
So Red, how do you feel about the "Zero Tolerance" policy now?

Don't you wish you had filed that complaint with the PD?