Tattoo Discrimination


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Why? Because I have preconceived notions about people with excessive tattoos? I am not going to apologize for my beliefs on this subject and applaud the decision to disqualify this guy based solely on his inability or unwillingness to meet our appearance standards.

I found it very amusing when you made the mistake of trying to engage wkmac in an intellectual debate on his terms over in Current Events. You were clearly way out of your league----wkmac beat you up and stole your lunch money with one hand tied behind his back.

You need to stick to playing Noah and using 10 words to express what the rest of us could say with 1.

"Having preconceived notions about people" based solely upon their appearance is pretty much the definition of bigotry, Dave.

I found it very amusing when you made the mistake of admitting you were a bigot....and then once you got called out on it your response was to bring up a completely different thread that has nothing to do with the topic at hand in order to deflect attention away from your own hypocrisy and ignorance.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
UPS will allow facial hair before they allow someone like the OP to become a driver.

Much has been said about my stance on tattoos and perhaps some of it is valid.

I was watching the Heat/Bobcats game last night. The Heat has a player named "The Birdman" who is known for his eccentric behavior and excessive tattoos. What is not generally known is that Chris Andersen is an incredible athlete and one of the hardest-working players on the team yet a lot of people, myself included, have a hard time getting past the ink to appreciate the talent that he has and energy that he plays with.

I readily admit that I am "old school" and when my daughter mentioned that she wanted to get a tattoo to honor her deceased grandfather my only request was that it be somewhere where it would not preclude her from working in a setting which required business attire.
If you owned a business, would you make the Birdman use the back door?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Again, all my tattoos are coverable

This thread has sort of lost sight of its original point.

It isn't a debate about whether or not the company has the right to enforce appearance standards. It does.
It isn't a debate about whether or not tattoos are tacky, or a poor lifestyle choice, or indicative of antisocial behavior...because those are personal opinions and none of them are relevant.

The debate is whether or not a person who is willing and able to cover his tattoos and comply with UPS appearance standards should be arbitrarily denied the opportunity for promotion to a driving position.

If it is OK for drivers in my building to cover their tats, why cant the OP cover his tats?


There is a difference between covering some tattoos vs covering your whole body all year long

I am ok with tats but you have a crap load of them and ups is not stupid they know we do certain things we are not supposed to once we leave the hub


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between covering some tattoos vs covering your whole body all year long

I am ok with tats but you have a crap load of them and ups is not stupid they know we do certain things we are not supposed to once we leave the hub

Isn't that what the safety people are for? for spying on you? To make sure your following procedures


Well-Known Member
There is a difference between covering some tattoos vs covering your whole body all year long

I am ok with tats but you have a crap load of them and ups is not stupid they know we do certain things we are not supposed to once we leave the hub

Not my whole body, i could wear shorts till i start on legs but that will be years, not done with everything else first


Isn't that what the safety people are for? for spying on you? To make sure your following procedures
only in the hub for safety people , your sups can follow you on road but that is up to them

So you come to work all covered up but once you hit the route who is to say you won't on cover them


Well-Known Member
We have three guys in our center with sleeves. One guy stays covered year round even in July and August the other two just wear the long sleeved shirt. These guys were also hired as drivers with them. I got a giant tat on my calf in my 15 years of driving I've had one DM who put a stink on them, so I cut a UPS sock with the Logo still on and covered my tat...Still didn't go over well with him but it was covered.

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Pees in the brown Koolaid
There is a difference between covering some tattoos vs covering your whole body all year long

I am ok with tats but you have a crap load of them and ups is not stupid they know we do certain things we are not supposed to once we leave the hub
Where in the labor agreement does it say that the company can deny an employee the right to drive based solely upon a fear of something he might do?

How can the company justify allowing some drivers to cover their tats while denying that right to others?

If he agrees to cover the tats and the company catches him on route with them uncovered then fine, throw the book at him, but until then he shouldn't be treated differently than any other driver with tats.


Well-Known Member
only in the hub for safety people , your sups can follow you on road but that is up to them

So you come to work all covered up but once you hit the route who is to say you won't on cover them

My center isn't a hub, we have assigned saftey ppl that does the routes, management can ride along but usually doesn't, and it will be 6 years this May, and as for tattoos, i had some when i was hired, got more throughout my years


Pees in the brown Koolaid
only in the hub for safety people , your sups can follow you on road but that is up to them

So you come to work all covered up but once you hit the route who is to say you won't on cover them
Once he hits the route, who is to say he wont steal all the packages, sell the truck to a chop shop, and use the money to buy hookers and blow?
If UPS can trust us with a $40K package car full of ipads, guns, cell phones and prescription narcotics they ought to be able to trust a driver with tats to keep them covered.