What changes do you foresee in the next contract?


Well-Known Member
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Crumbs look at theses ribeye steaks I ate last night meet with my son for man night. Dude I live so high on the hog because I'm a ups teamster it's not even funny. Got so much vacation I can't take it. Wtf.
I'm eating filet brother Thanks to me Ron Carey. I may have to change over to ground chuck if hoffa and hall and the Boston bully keep giving away my farm

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
Do you ever get off your knees?? Man, its time to stand up and take a good look around at what has happened over the past 16 yrs and the missed opportunities. You handful on here can continue to support and boast about Hoffa/Hall but the great majority of us out there are living with the aftereffects of 16 yrs of talking tough and selling short. We are the ones that deal with the new technology that Hoffa hall allowed and the sure post and access point,etc on a daily basis.
Your Old Guard leadership accepts the crumbs that UPS throws them and hall runs and scoops them up like a good house slave would. It been good enough to buy a few elections but I think this time ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
I'm sorry but it's your local leadership that can't enforcement the contract. Stop blaming others for your poor leadership. Maybe if you really put the members first and not your political aspirations, you may have a better local. Even your BA's are turning on you.


Well-Known Member
I see a new administration leading the negotiations that won't give up the right to strike while negotiating the contract and won't implement the contract when members resoundingly vote NO.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I don't foresee any changes in the next contract. All the company has to do to get what they want is to dangle those carrots. Those carrots are increased pension payments for those that are close to retirement and raises for everyone else.


Staff member
I don't foresee any changes in the next contract. All the company has to do to get what they want is to dangle those carrots. Those carrots are increased pension payments for those that are close to retirement and raises for everyone else.
Even if it screws those with 10 years or less?


Well-Known Member
The power that we lost. Stop the Harassment and a fair workload.

Could you imagine 20 years ago ,getting a warning letter for not tucking your mirror in?
That's stuff that should be straighten out at local hearings.......as bad as you have it look at how bad it is in tims local......a 20 year employee got walked off for bs......what makes you think Tim s will make that better.....if he gets elected that stuff you are talking about will be worse


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if previous healthcare contracts covered adult orthodontic care? I need Invasilign for some moderate crowding on my lower teeth. Technically it's cosmetic but my dentist said it can be ran thru as orthodontic. It was denied. No orthodontic for anyone over age 26. I asked dentist if that was standard operating for most insurances. Said no, plenty of people have adult orthodontic coverage. I'm very disappointed to say the least