“The Body of Christ” with Integrity (On Topic Only”


Binge Poster
The guide God gave you is the same one he gave everyone. You get no special treatment or revelation. What sayeth the scripture?
You don’t need to claim to have the answer. It’s in black and white in the N.T.
Simply because there are different beliefs about a Bible subject means nothing.
Paul told the Ephesians there was only one baptism. I don’t care how many beliefs there are, an Apostle said there is just one for us.
Peter told the Jews in Acts 2 : 38 upon repenting, it was for the remission of their sins.

God will be your guide. Just like he is everyone’s guide. He speaks ,guides , and gives instructions through his written word.
He wrote it down for everyone for all ages. You get no special treatment , revelation or guidance from God. For God is “ not a respecter of persons” God shows no partially.
No partiality. He loves everyone equally.

Once I accepted His love, received the free gift of Salvation through Jesus His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit my eternity was sealed but better yet I have been able to at times experience His kingdom here on earth and the trajectory of my life was and is forever changed.


Binge Poster
The guide God gave you is the same one he gave everyone. You get no special treatment or revelation. What sayeth the scripture?
You don’t need to claim to have the answer. It’s in black and white in the N.T.
Simply because there are different beliefs about a Bible subject means nothing.
Paul told the Ephesians there was only one baptism. I don’t care how many beliefs there are, an Apostle said there is just one for us.
Peter told the Jews in Acts 2 : 38 upon repenting, it was for the remission of their sins.

God will be your guide. Just like he is everyone’s guide. He speaks ,guides , and gives instructions through his written word.
He wrote it down for everyone for all ages. You get no special treatment , revelation or guidance from God. For God is “ not a respecter of persons” God shows no partially.
What are the seven baptisms mentioned in the Bible, and what do they mean? | GotQuestions.org


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No partiality. He loves everyone equally.

Once I accepted His love, received the free gift of Salvation through Jesus His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit my eternity was sealed but better yet I have been able to at times experience His kingdom here on earth and the trajectory of my life was and is forever changed.
Any scripture to back this?


Binge Poster
The prophet Amos asked the question “ Can two walk together unless they be agreed?”
The scripture does not teach what you are inferring.
There is no unity in diversity.
Jesus said “ If you love me, you will keep my commandments. A prayer for your salvation ( to become a Christian)is totally foreign to the New Testament.
I believe agreeing to disagree with love and freedom is a beautiful example of agreement and peace.

The unique way each person was knit together in the womb, the unique fingerprint, DNA. Different culture.

Humans so different, diverse yet able to experience unity in the love of God, through Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. So amazing He would do that for us.


Binge Poster
Any scripture to back this?
Don’t need any.

You can look up where this school of thought comes from and the scriptures that may have prompted by beliefs. It is probably in one or more of the links I included.

My experiences that I have as I personally involve the God of the universe in my life during my time here and the love of Father, through Jesus the Son , the living the Word of God and the Holy Spirit within do not need a specific Bible verse to make my experiences valid or invalid.


Binge Poster
When I was at the end of myself, the end of my strength,and all that I had become my course and life was changed, altered forever, after someone shared God’s great love for me.

It was done with words not with a book. After I accepted deep in my mind, my body, and my soul this love God has for me, a sinner of the worst kind in my mind. I was immediately drawn to love God. I have been on a spiritual journey since seeking to grow closer to and in Him everyday by whatever means I can. No greater love.

Peace be with you!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

He also said that "he who does not believe is condemned" not "he who is not baptized is comdemned".

But what of it? Believe and be baptized vs just believe. The point is you are not earning your salvation, even the wealthy young man who Jesus acknowledged followed the law could not save himself through acts. James' had the best explanation of salvation by faith vs salvation through good deeds. Faith without works is dead. Good deeds aren't enough by themselves. Just as baptism is an outward sign of your faith, so are good deeds, but those actions do not save you, your belief in Jesus and He who sent him saves you.

If something written by one of the apostles doesn't quite make sense, I always go to the actual authority, and do my best to interpret what they said within the context of the teachings of Jesus. Even some things Jesus taught I can't explain, but he is still the one Teacher, the rest of us are brothers.
Baptism is an action. Faith is a state of mind. You can't alter reality to fit your interpretation of scripture. Or are you saying you are baptized if you believe you are? Are you being purposefully contradictory? We have one teacher. If you want to be a disciple of Paul, then be so, if you want to be a disciple of Peter, then be so. As a Christian, I am a disciple of Jesus.
No partiality. He loves everyone equally.

Once I accepted His love, received the free gift of Salvation through Jesus His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit my eternity was sealed but better yet I have been able to at times experience His kingdom here on earth and the trajectory of my life was and is forever changed.
Any scripture to back what you say here?
Don’t need any.

You can look up where this school of thought comes from and the scriptures that may have prompted by beliefs. It is probably in one or more of the links I included.

My experiences that I have as I personally involve the God of the universe in my life during my time here and the love of Father, through Jesus the Son , the living the Word of God and the Holy Spirit within do not need a specific Bible verse to make my experiences valid or invalid.
No scripture. No authority.
Paul nails it un Col. 3
I believe agreeing to disagree with love and freedom is a beautiful example of agreement and peace.

The unique way each person was knit together in the womb, the unique fingerprint, DNA. Different culture.

Humans so different, diverse yet able to experience unity in the love of God, through Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. So amazing He would do that for us.
Unity in diversity is not taught in the scripture.
Live it up.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Don’t need any.

You can look up where this school of thought comes from and the scriptures that may have prompted by beliefs. It is probably in one or more of the links I included.

My experiences that I have as I personally involve the God of the universe in my life during my time here and the love of Father, through Jesus the Son , the living the Word of God and the Holy Spirit within do not need a specific Bible verse to make my experiences valid or invalid.
Don’t need any scripture?
Live it up.


I'm a star
The prophet Amos asked the question “ Can two walk together unless they be agreed?”
The scripture does not teach what you are inferring.
There is no unity in diversity.
Jesus said “ If you love me, you will keep my commandments. A prayer for your salvation ( to become a Christian)is totally foreign to the New Testament.

And Jesus said whoever is not against us is for us.

Matthew 9:

38 “Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”

39 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40 for whoever is not against us is for us. 41 Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.

As for the baptism issue, I think we may not exactly agree on what that means. When I was talking about baptism being a symbol of faith, I specifically meant the water baptism. But baptism also means trial, hardship or difficulty. Jesus called his crucifixion a baptism. Our baptism, as followers of Jesus, can be seen as the trials and difficulties we will face as a result of following him. I don't know if that is what you are getting at or not.

We are all responsible for our own understanding of the scripture. We will necessarily interpret things differently. I don't believe we are meant to use our understanding as a bludgeon to keep others in line with what we think scripture means. But we are called to be like iron sharpening iron to help each other grow in our faith.


I'm a star
Any scripture to back what you say here?

No scripture. No authority.
Paul nails it un Col. 3

Unity in diversity is not taught in the scripture.
Live it up.

I honestly don't know what you're arguing anymore. Break it down, what are your main issues with what has been said, and what is your scripture to back it up?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I believe agreeing to disagree with love and freedom is a beautiful example of agreement and peace.

The unique way each person was knit together in the womb, the unique fingerprint, DNA. Different culture.

Humans so different, diverse yet able to experience unity in the love of God, through Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit. So amazing He would do that for us.
I believe in speaking where the Bible speaks and being silent where the Bible is silent.
I believe as Peter says , "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God" In other words, what you believe, teach, and practice needs to be backed by the authority of the word of God.


Binge Poster
Any scripture to back what you say here?

No scripture. No authority.
Paul nails it un Col. 3

Unity in diversity is not taught in the scripture.
Live it up.
Please refresh my memory.
Where does the Bible claim to alone be the sole and exclusive authority?

You probably shared this already but if you would could you again?

Ok. I am living it up.

It amazes me that the God of the universe ever even glanced my way!

How did you come to know the love of God?


Binge Poster
I believe in speaking where the Bible speaks and being silent where the Bible is silent.
I believe as Peter says , "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God" In other words, what you believe, teach, and practice needs to be backed by the authority of the word of God.
So you believe the Bible is equal to God?

I believe it all has to be backed by the authority of Jesus.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No partiality. He loves everyone equally.

Once I accepted His love, received the free gift of Salvation through Jesus His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit my eternity was sealed but better yet I have been able to at times experience His kingdom here on earth and the trajectory of my life was and is forever changed.
Air is free but you have to breath.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So you believe the Bible is equal to God?

I believe it all has to be backed by the authority of Jesus.
The Bible is not God,
The Bible is God's Word.

"And so it was, when Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes" (Matt. 7:28-29).

"All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth" (Matt. 28:19).

Bible authority, or a lack of it, is at the root of most every religious question. As a Christian, I understand that the Bible is my only authority in religion. I challenge those I believe to be in error to produce Bible authority for their practice. What do I mean by "Bible authority"?

"Authority" (exousia) is "the power of rule or government (the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted to by others and obeyed)" . Concerning the word "authority," we also find this: "As regards the church, this derives its authority from Christ. Believers receive their right as such from him (Jn. 1:12; Rev. 22:14). The Lord gives the apostles their authority (2 Cor. 10:8); so they must use it responsibly (Mk. 13:34; 1 Cor. 9:4). Thus, by claiming to have "all authority," Jesus was claiming the right to rule; the right to command and expect our submission and obedience. When we talk about "Bible authority," we are really talking about the authority of Christ.

The authority that Jesus claimed was absolute, that which belonged to God alone. Christ received this authority from the Father, and the Father confirmed it by raising him from the dead (Eph. 1:20-23).

The authority of Jesus was different from that of the prophets, or the scribes. They were restricted to a "thus saith the Lord." Christ's teaching was authoritative because he said it. This is a part of what amazed the listeners at the Sermon on the Mount. Throughout it he said, "You have heard that it was said," and contrasted that with "But I say to you." It is not surprising then to find the officers who had been sent to arrest Jesus returning empty-handed and saying, "No man ever spoke like this man!" (John 7:46)

Therefore, we need to acknowledge the authority of Jesus Christ in everything that pertains to our lives as Christians. Paul admonished the saints at Colosse, "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him" (3:17). To do something "in the name of' Jesus is to do it by his authority. And, since Jesus claimed "all authority," there is none left for men.​