10 minutes "inside building" the rest is on road no matter what...


Well-Known Member
I have alot of respect for you --from many of your posts that I read.
There is certainly no need to apologize to me. I know that with you now running your own business --you do see things from both sides.
I enjoy your posts and your honesty !!!!:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
I find it strange how this can happen at so many hubs and nothing is ever done from the powers up above. I have heard this being done from west to east and not just one isolated incident. They have done it here also but I havent heard anything about it over the past few months.


Well-Known Member
Local 804,
I have heard through the grapevine that a time card"edit" report must be filed in all major bldgs and hubs --with this information the --Division Mgrs can better audit ---if,when, and why time cards are being "edited" on a regular basis.
How is the new slate doing ??:wink2:
Do you know what Tony M. or Howie are doing now ?


Well-Known Member
Local 804,
I have heard through the grapevine that a time card"edit" report must be filed in all major bldgs and hubs --with this information the --Division Mgrs can better audit ---if,when, and why time cards are being "edited" on a regular basis.
How is the new slate doing ??:wink2:
Do you know what Tony M. or Howie are doing now ?

Hmmm maybe thats why they have not pushed the issue about the am time. The new slate has their hands full but the are doing just fine. Tony and Howie I have not heard anything about. Steve M and Bill B went back to feeders, Tony D is working out of Foster.Tom C and Bill L retired I think Nemeth snagged a porter job.


Active Member
If they did that, maybe we could take it one step further.
While they were at it, they could fix the DIAD program so the duplicate stop button wasn't necessary.
Seems to me that if they didn't want to give us credit for a second attempt at an address, then don't.
If you don't differentiate the stop in the room or consignee field, no credit, problem solved.
Same goes for the forbidden other-other in the non delivery field.
Just get rid of it, problem solved.
Maybe they could program the DIAD to not allow us to stop complete a commercial stop between 12-1pm.
Do this, and it will never be an issue again.
Instead they would rather spend their resources on training tens of thousands of drivers to jump through hoops.
Tired of idiots?
Make it idiot proof.

Brilliant! Seriously


My Senior Picture
It's UPS's standard response to most any problem.
Treat the symptom rather than fix the problem.
Frustrates the hell out of me.


Well-Known Member
It's UPS's standard response to most any problem.
Treat the symptom rather than fix the problem.
Frustrates the hell out of me.

Or as I like to say it is more important to them to look good than be good. If it looks bad to have more than 10 minutes inside buildlng try to fix the things that are making that time longer. I know that is crazy talk to a manager who is only interested in surviving the conference call but that is what should be done.

Most of us as drivers couldn't care less how it looks on paper. Our customers couldn't care less how it looks on paper. The scared suits in the office ONLY care how it looks on paper.


I find it strange how this can happen at so many hubs and nothing is ever done from the powers up above. I have heard this being done from west to east and not just one isolated incident. They have done it here also but I havent heard anything about it over the past few months.
This is not just an east-west thing, here in Toronto my oncar just this week approached me about my leave bldg time being 9:17 and he told me that the center manager wants us to put in 9:10 no matter what.He is a good sup and when I asked if he was directing me to falsify my time card,he didn't have anything else to say and he left just shaking his head.


Go Packers!
The same thing is happening here in S. Fl. I was told because my AM time was as much as .50 daily my supe was moving my start time from 8:25 to 9:30 and taking all my airs off me and giving them to an air driver.
I have to wrap my vehicle daily and have all my airs PAL'd to FL1. You see I get about 30 to 50 and have had as many as 75 NDA daily, try to sort and confirm those in less than 15 minutes! And thats after going to wait in line to get High Value packages which is a 50 step walk just to get there. Well to make things short I had to promise the center manager and supe with a Shop Steward present, I would only record no more than 15 minutes for the AM. to keep my original start time which is 10 minutes before the rest of my groups start time.
Oh did I mention I have been a Shop Steward for over 20 years. This was all after filing grievances because of junior drivers getting earlier start times than me for no reason when I have a commit problem daily and have to give up airs if I don't start early...And I am an Underallowed driver.


Binge Poster
Well to make things short I had to promise the center manager and supe with a Shop Steward present, I would only record no more than 15 minutes for the AM. to keep my original start time which is 10 minutes before the rest of my groups start time.

Maybe I am not getting this right. Can you clarify this statement?

Can you please describe in detail what you will do if, on Monday, there is a situation that causes you to be stuck in the building for 35 minutes of AM time?

How will you record this time?




Staff member
The same thing is happening here in S. Fl. I was told because my AM time was as much as .50 daily my supe was moving my start time from 8:25 to 9:30 and taking all my airs off me and giving them to an air driver.
I have to wrap my vehicle daily and have all my airs PAL'd to FL1. You see I get about 30 to 50 and have had as many as 75 NDA daily, try to sort and confirm those in less than 15 minutes! And thats after going to wait in line to get High Value packages which is a 50 step walk just to get there. Well to make things short I had to promise the center manager and supe with a Shop Steward present, I would only record no more than 15 minutes for the AM. to keep my original start time which is 10 minutes before the rest of my groups start time.
Oh did I mention I have been a Shop Steward for over 20 years. This was all after filing grievances because of junior drivers getting earlier start times than me for no reason when I have a commit problem daily and have to give up airs if I don't start early...And I am an Underallowed driver.
You promised your center manager that you would falsify your records everyday so that he would let you have an earlier start time? And you're a shop steward?


Staff member
You promised your center manager that you would falsify your records everyday so that he would let you have an earlier start time? And you're a shop steward?

Thank you, I was thinking exactly the same thing. It's time he do the right thing and RESIGN his shop steward position.


Outa browns on 04/30/09
It would seem that, after getting all your packages into your car you could leave the building. Technically any sorting or whatever could be on road.


It would seem that, after getting all your packages into your car you could leave the building. Technically any sorting or whatever could be on road.
alot of buildings have a rule where the driver is "responsible" for his air.

i.e we are instructed to check edd and verify all air pkgs are located in car. we can not be on road and report a "not found" NDA. basically pre-load was accusing drivers of blaming them (found in load) for late airs that where the drivers fault. so now most drivers spend 30seconds double checking their ten airs before leaving. but people with alot of buisness and 20nda stops with 100+ pieces end up wasting alot of time going through edd and checking each air off...


From the promised LAND
i.e we are instructed to check edd and verify all air pkgs are located in car
Thats fine, and should be done every day before you leave. But it is after that time that you hit the punched out of building.

Originally Posted by gamer282
The same thing is happening here in S. Fl. I was told because my AM time was as much as .50 daily my supe was moving my start time from 8:25 to 9:30 and taking all my airs off me and giving them to an air driver.

HM, and you as a shop steward, have never played poker? As a shop steward, you would know that they cant arbitrarily take work off a route and give it to an air driver. There is something that just does not fly right with that statement. And what was taking you a half hour to check? It takes you a full minute per package to count the air packages?
I have to wrap my vehicle daily and have all my airs PAL'd to FL1. You see I get about 30 to 50 and have had as many as 75 NDA daily, try to sort and confirm those in less than 15 minutes! And thats after going to wait in line to get High Value packages which is a 50 step walk just to get there.
And you are special how? I had 75 NDA or more per day, every day, and high values too, in the next section of the building. Sometimes as many as 125 NDA or more, and there were no problems with me leaving on time. And I did not falsify my numbers either.
Well to make things short I had to promise the center manager and supe with a Shop Steward present, I would only record no more than 15 minutes for the AM. to keep my original start time which is 10 minutes before the rest of my groups start time.
Ah, special treatment for a "special" driver. So you take it upon yourself to privately negotiate a separate contract just for you? Even though it is against the contract you are supposed to uphold? And you did so in front of another steward? That is a reason to terminate the both of you.

Oh did I mention I have been a Shop Steward for over 20 years. This was all after filing grievances because of junior drivers getting earlier start times than me for no reason when I have a commit problem daily and have to give up airs if I don't start early...And I am an Underallowed driver.
I dont care that you are underallowed. After all, you are falsifying records to be that way. So dont try to garner respect with that addition to your tale.

Filing because of earlier start times is your right, and should be done.

But you do not abide by the contract, unless it suits you personally, which is the sign of a very corrupt/corruptible person. I sure as heck would not want you to represent me for anything, because you have shown you can be bought very cheaply.

Shame on you. Instead of bragging, you should be ashamed.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Well to make things short I had to promise the center manager and supe with a Shop Steward present, I would only record no more than 15 minutes for the AM. to keep my original start time which is 10 minutes before the rest of my groups start time.

So here is your solution.

Whether you are wrapped up or not....close the back door, do your pretrip, and leave the building within the 15 minute limit and enter that time accurately in your DIAD.

Then drive out the gate....turn around..... and come right back in. Park in your assigned spot, and continue loading up all the air that you didnt have time to get prior to your first trip. Enter your return to building time, and then a 2nd trip in the DIAD.

Its a win-win. You are being 100% honest, you get credit for a 2nd trip, and you can continue spoon-feeding your management team the make-believe numbers that they want to look at on their AM time report.

They have no intention of ever solving the underlying problem, they only want to cover it up. So oblige them. Just make sure you are doing it honestly.


From the promised LAND

He is not trying to be honest, he is only trying to pad his day for himself. If he were honest, he would find a way to do it, but he has no intention of doing so. His planning and extra-contractual agreements show that very well.
