251 United Action Slate


Well-Known Member
LMAO...Oh that is soooo rich. Did a TDU guy just type the words "don't feed into the divide"? Dear lord, if anyone on this blog is not familiar with the slander and divide tactics of TDU...Please please, I beg of you to do your homework and study up on these people. Dividing the membership of locals, and getting one side to believe its "us and them" is their bread and butter. What they tell "their side" apparently dosent even have to be true. I'm assuming all of this took place at UPS? Tell us stink, (or your screaming friend) was there any TDU stuff amongst the aforementioned literature?

Yes. I wasn't offered the literature. But I believe the "Teamster Voice", which is a TDU news paper was being handed out in conjunction with campaign literature.


Well-Known Member
First: There is absolutely no way that you work at RIH. The place where, if you are not their friends, you are told to "Shut up, this is the way it is, don't believe everything you read in your contract, you're lucky you even have a job". So I'm calling bullshiznit on you being employed there.

Second: Yeah. A TDU guy said it. And a TDU guy meant it. I love how you managed to, in a single sentence, put me in a category and then accuse me and everyone in the category you just placed me in of being guilty of putting people in a category. Well done. The lesser minds are baffled, no doubt.

My friend you may call "bullshiznit" (is that German for BS?, careful..your showing your TDU heritage) on me, my employment or anything you wish. I can assure you I've been walking the floors of the main building for many years. And I will call a little bullshiznit myself. I call bullshiznit that your little slate is not TDU. Dosent matter Iif you call yourselves Action RI Slate, or what was it last time around, Members First Slate? Dosent matter...it smells of TDU all around. I'm open minded, I would have at least considered some of your candidates. But a TDU group this close to home? no thank you.


You know me...
My friend you may call "bullshiznit" (is that German for BS?, careful..your showing your TDU heritage) on me, my employment or anything you wish. I can assure you I've been walking the floors of the main building for many years. And I will call a little bullshiznit myself. I call bullshiznit that your little slate is not TDU. Dosent matter Iif you call yourselves Action RI Slate, or what was it last time around, Members First Slate? Dosent matter...it smells of TDU all around. I'm open minded, I would have at least considered some of your candidates. But a TDU group this close to home? no thank you.

Vote No Movement Wins Healthcare Improvements at UPS | Teamsters for a Democratic Union <----Yeah that TDU is good for nuttin!

And if you DO in fact work at RIH, and you do not see the SERIOUS problems there, you must be one of Kevins boys. Amirite?


You know me...
If the sticker was stuck on my sweet baby princess, I probably would have gone animal!

Never that brother. My Daddy raised me better than that. Never screw with another mans family or vehicle. They are off limits. (unless the family gets involved themselves, or the guy tries to run you over, then its open season.) I have way too much respect for American muscle to lift a finger to hurt it, and, not taking anything away from your sweet baby princess, but if she was about 45 or so years older, same make/model, I wouldn't have even lifted the wiper to place the sticker!
Hey Pal, come meet me at "Meet The Membership Slate" so I can get you a beer and introduce you to the boys. We can convince you in person that we are better bunch. C'mon be smart about this, give up while your ahead.


Well-Known Member
RIH251, are you coming to the Membership Slate event on Saturday? There will be a few key note speakers from the International. They will be speaking to debunk some of the inaccuracies that are floating around. Some pretty high caliber people. You will get true facts about the local, the E Board, facts of other locals that have changed hands and failed and why, lots of useful information based on factual evidence. I recommend that you go early. We have counted the committed folks that said they would be there and just from UPS there will be a huge turnout.



You know me...
Hey Pal, come meet me at "Meet The Membership Slate" so I can get you a beer and introduce you to the boys. We can convince you in person that we are better bunch. C'mon be smart about this, give up while your ahead.

If I showed up there, the reception would be anything but warm, I'm sure. And the "give up while you are ahead" idea doesn't really work when applied to an election...but thanks for the offer.


You know me...
RIH251, are you coming to the Membership Slate event on Saturday? There will be a few key note speakers from the International. They will be speaking to debunk some of the inaccuracies that are floating around. Some pretty high caliber people.

O'rly? So it's going to be like the '07 Free beer bash? The Officers of the Membership Slate get fall down drunk while Sean O brings 600-700 of his cronies down from Local 25 and does all the talking? Damn. Joey must owe Sean his first born by now...how many times has he rushed in to try and save his ass?

Here's an idea. Why doesn't Jojo call him in to negotiate a few white paper contracts down here in local 251? See if he can weed out some of that boiler plate language Jojo and the gang love so much. See if big brother Sean O can get the poor folks down at first student off of the Welfare healthcare plan they are on, or see if he can enforce the locals own language and get them the pension that DD is too stupid to figure out. Actually, Why doesn't jojo give half his salary to Sean O and ask him to run the local for us. See if Jojo can skate by on 80K a year for doing nothing. No, wait, then he'd be getting paid less than KR for doing the exact same job. Nothing. Oh no, that wouldn't work. If we did that, we'd create a Mclaughlin & Moran/Centrex situation right at the heart of the local (2 Companies doing the exact same job, but one getting all the pay and benies and one getting crapped all over)...we wouldn't want that.


Well-Known Member
Actually, it's for 251 Members only. Sean won't be the only one coming down. He isn't brining his "cronies". You don't like Sean either? Brother, release the good!! Let go of the hate.


You know me...
Actually, it's for 251 Members only. Sean won't be the only one coming down. He isn't brining his "cronies". You don't like Sean either? Brother, release the good!! Let go of the hate.

Actually, I like Sean. I don't like that he supports JB. The way Sean runs his local compared to JB? Night and day brother. Night and day.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Vote No Movement Wins Healthcare Improvements at UPS | Teamsters for a Democratic Union <----Yeah that TDU is good for nuttin!

And if you DO in fact work at RIH, and you do not see the SERIOUS problems there, you must be one of Kevins boys. Amirite?

Sorry dude. But TDU had zero to do with the health improvements. Nor did UPS. I know that since you come from a different barn ;) that information on the subject may be bias. If you followed the UPS negotiations you would have known all along that the union had a timeline of November (a month prior to implementation of Teamcare). It was to find a similar plan (not exact). The big holdup was these scared little actuaries sitting behind their computers inputting liability synopses. Actually, the IBT came through early. As for this TDU stuff, the power of our union is in our bond as brothers. I will never apologize for standing up for my fellow Teamsters. Never let a stranger in your cab, in your house or in your heart... unless he is a friend of labor.


You know me...
Never let a stranger in your cab, in your house or in your heart... unless he is a friend of labor.

And if he is that friend of labor... you listen to that man. Because he's the only friend you've got. EXACTLY why I joined TDU. More rights for members, fight for better contract, and they have yet to tell me "I am lucky to have a job, quit making waves"

The BA over at my barn and every other barn he covers (As well as a few other BA's in the current regime) are NO friends of labor. Not from my perspective and the perspective of thousands of teamsters in this local. Back them up all you want, it's your right as a free American, but you cannot deny that this local is divided. Divisions do not occur as a result of solid leadership my friend. I respect your position, and I respect your reasons for taking that position, but for the first time, YOU are in the minority with that position. As I said a few pages back in this thread, if an elected official decides he is only going to only take care of your friends, you better hope that the inner circle you create is larger than the group that are on the outside looking in. And when RIH was sleeping, he had that in spades. They have woken up over there, and they are PISSED. We campaigned there last night...holy sweet baby Jesus they want KR's head on a platter! I knew before going there that they were upset...but when 60 year old women that look like my grandmother are dropping the friend-bomb like a trucker every time we bring up the state of the union.....that is beyond pissed! Some of the stories I heard brother, might even change YOUR mind.

Why did Angry screaming guy get banned? Just curious...


Well-Known Member
RIH251, are you coming to the Membership Slate event on Saturday? There will be a few key note speakers from the International. They will be speaking to debunk some of the inaccuracies that are floating around. Some pretty high caliber people. You will get true facts about the local, the E Board, facts of other locals that have changed hands and failed and why, lots of useful information based on factual evidence. I recommend that you go early. We have counted the committed folks that said they would be there and just from UPS there will be a huge turnout.

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unfortunately im working a double and will not be attending.


You know me...
Wasn't there a dude that just got his job back for sleeping for half his double shift?

I heard about that last night. He was KR's drinking buddy. Meanwhile I heard a story about a mother of three who lost her job because the a nurse took down the wrong info on a child and instead of fight UNAP (the nurses union that actually stick up for ALL of its members, They fired the teamster that registered the child with the info she was given by the nurse.

You say they have a no layoff clause in their contract? Then explain to me how KR lost 500 jobs at RI in the course of their last contract...the one with the layoff clause.


Well-Known Member
I did not hear about that, it wasn't me. lol. anything is possible in this place.

Well, people say the BA doesn't do anything there and I say BULLSHEET. Maybe some hospital people don't really know what working conditions are elsewhere. The BA had enough pull to get Rip Van Winkle his just back. RIH251, what do you do at RIH (if it doesn't give too much info).