251 United Action Slate

They know that elected officials are held to a higher standard. So these guys just lower their standards. They think they can do and say anything they want without recourse.
I wish I could fly up there and go at them instead of Sean. I will always take one for the team. Can't wait till this guys out next international prez. We need a good hard ass.
O* is another one living off his daddy's name... Hopefully he's suspended for awhile and he can't get his 24 months in good standing in!! Bye bye CHOWDA BOY.... Stink and 407 get off his jock strap.... He's a NOBODY LIVING OFF DADDYS NAME

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Stink 219 was crying along w his hero B. He was an observer and was challenging every vote. So much for defending Sean O. Sean O's suspension will be the next blow for these bastards back East.

Hey Stink don't forget to drink some tea before bedtime, it helps calm the nerves. Everyone is expecting your resignation as steward. HAHA!

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
Hey Stink 219, apparently the majority of members at Local 251 don't agree with your "TDU Sucks" slogan.

Local 251 in majority supports TDU and it was proven at their local election on Wednesday 10/30/2013!

Have a wonderful weekend Stink 219!

Hawfuh Sux

Old Guard Assassin!
I wonder if Hoff is slapping Sean O for his stunt?

They should of hired Stink 219 to do the intimidating. Word has it that the BAs that were voted were his buddies.

STINK 219 where are you now?


Package Car is cake compared to this...
I wonder if Hoff is slapping Sean O for his stunt?

They should of hired Stink 219 to do the intimidating. Word has it that the BAs that were voted were his buddies.

STINK 219 where are you now?

If I had to guess, I would say he's on the TDU web site.
Stink 219 was crying along w his hero B. He was an observer and was challenging every vote. So much for defending Sean O. Sean O's suspension will be the next blow for these bastards back East.

Hey Stink don't forget to drink some tea before bedtime, it helps calm the nerves. Everyone is expecting your resignation as steward. HAHA!
What local are you in?? Do you have the balls to post this. I think you are an Internet troll with no balls. I wish you would prove me wrong and post your local.