A lot of unhappy campers in teamcare's first few days....

i agree with you. I can't speak for the drivers who had BCBS prior to Teamcare. But Teamcrap pales in comparision to what PTers had under Aetna. ER visits with Xrays..Zero out of pocket costs. Urgent care visits with lab work and xrays? $10 copay...no additional costs. MRI? cost me $18. I just got a $380 pair of glasses last month...didn't cost me a dime.
Women in glasses are very hot.


That’s Craptacular

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Obama care raises the costs of our insurance, to subsidize the government plan. Anyone who defends Obama Care, and thinks that what he has done is the answer, needs to look no further than the VA to see how well government run anything works. I know you guys haven't said you support Obama Care or Obama. I am merely pointing out the obvious.

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Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Obamacare had nothing to do with this. UPS wanted out of the health care business and the Union saw $$$.
I disagree with you. Obama Care had everything to do with it. The government run healthcare has raised the cost of everyone's healthcare, that is not on the Obama plan. It's just like Robin Hood. If I was UPS and had a way out, I would take it too. If Obama care is not seriously over hauled, what we have right now will soon be a thing of the past.

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Well-Known Member
They are both government run healthcare. You would expect the Veterans to have Premium Healthcare, what they have is a mess.

As a vet I can assure you that there is not a single vet who ever expected Premium Healthcare. The level of care given at the VA has nothing to do with the inefficient manner in which the agency is run.

The best healthcare that my family and I ever received during my 8 years in the Air Force was the care we received off base. I spent $25 for my daughter to be born and $45 for my son----this was because we wanted a semi-private room, which was extra----and this was done off-base. My daughter had childhood asthma and spent time in the hospital----did not cost me a dime.

My first experience with military medicine was when the dentist "insisted" that he needed to pull all 4 of my wisdom teeth, even though they weren't bothering me.