A Repeat of 1997

Forgive me for not remembering the last time a full timer gave a rats šŸ€ putut for us part time employees. Cause it never happens! Poop on us part trimmers than demand that we strike to save your job I think not

The last time is when we voted the last contract down, that's right, that time when your boys didn't turn out to vote. That time, when we didn't want part timers to be advancing into FT positions that were equal to what we do for unequal pay. That time when we wanted more RPCD and 22.3 jobs made available to part timers, so we voted the proposal down. I believe that was somewhere in late 2018, but I may be wrong.


Well-Known Member
If we were to STRIKE your insinuating that you would cross the picket line and work. There wouldn't be anyone to train you, all of management would be working beside you. From my memory, those who crossed the line were stripped of union benefits and ( virtually stoned) as the crossed the line. IF we strike I suggest you walk šŸš¶ā€ā™‚ļøwith us. Don't be a SCAB, that's the universal name for doing bargaining unionized work during a work stoppage.
I think we had one part timer cross in '97 on the first day. He went flying around the corner at an unsafe speed and nearly ran into some of the folks on the curb holding picket signs. He tried to blaze out about 6 hours later and perhaps fearing repercussions and/or retribution for his blatant disregard. Unfortunately for him, he ran the red light at the intersection while there were two squad cars parked directly across the street. I doubt anybody was more satisfied than I was to see him just forced to sit there and face the fact that he'd just screwed himself on several fronts.

We had one full timer cross despite a bunch of us sating we'd chip in and help cover any basics he was struggling with. He'd never specify just what expenses he couldn't cover. The worst part for him was that 3 hours after he crossed in front of hundreds of his coworkers, the deal got done and the strike was over. Than in October he comes up to a group of about 6 of us and asks if our offer to help him out with money still stands. One of the guys standing next to me looks at him and stated "Go ask your friends in management since you no longer have any friends here." He wound up taking a route with a late start-finish time until he was able to transfer once it dawned on him that he'd burned every last bridge he had with any hourlies.


Well-Known Member
And do not forget the Pilotā€™s Union..Their members were manning the picket lines in ā€œ97ā€and were not flying.

The AFL-CIO and every major Union in America were involved also.

If a strike does occur..nothing will move... period!
As inept as ORION currently is, it's doubtful they could really come anywhere near close to moving anything efficiently with scabs behind the wheel. Would we enjoy the backing of other unions, our pilots, and the general public again roughly 25 years later? Who really knows. I can remember more than a handful of drivers weren't willing to do their part and reciprocate years later when our pilots were stuck in prolonged negotiations with no end in sight. And now that half of the lower 48 states are Right-To-Work-For-Less, the company might think the conditions would be right to test the unity of the rank-and-file. It's become plainly obvious that if they sense an opportunity to further weaken the union, they will absolutely not shut the door entirely on it even if it did come with short term pain to the bottom line.

10 years ago, I'd have never believed the company would put something like trying prop up a corpse like ORION above actual efficiency and service to the customers. I was wrong as the program performs even worse than it did when it was introduced and the company still refuses to acknowledge the scale of the failure. Anybody is capable of anything when it comes to bad ideas.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Things can change in two years, but I do not fathom or foresee any contract problems in the 2023 contract, particularly one that would cause a work stoppage of any kind. This Pandemic is currently running the show and forcing corporations to analyze their dealings with their employees, right now the economy is heading in the right direction and the 2 percenters are getting richer because of it. It would be stupid or arrogant for any company or corporation to force a strike, there is no need particularly with UPS.

ski or die

Ski or Die
In our center, management would go out in a pkg car to another location and shuttle scabs into the bldg. in the back of the pkg. car trying to keep them hidden. I remember the last grievance I processed before I retired was for a scab in our office. Unfortunately the grievance was won.


Has A Large Member
Man. The old lady who filled the vending machines decided to drive into our parking lot to refill the machines during that ā€˜97 strike

someone threw a rock through her windshield


Well-Known Member
Man. The old lady who filled the vending machines decided to drive into our parking lot to refill the machines during that ā€˜97 strike

someone threw a rock through her windshield
Our local represents a couple vending machine companies. I throw something at them too they cross my picket line.


Gravy route
Just don't be on camera if you pull anything. First day back from strike they tried to fire a driver who spat on line crossers while we were striking....they had camera footage. He got his job back eventually.

They never did find the guy who fired a gun at a scab's package car.

Strikes can be ugly. I would never advocate violence


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Just don't be on camera if you pull anything. First day back from strike they tried to fire a driver who spat on line crossers while we were striking....they had camera footage. He got his job back eventually.

They never did find the guy who fired a gun at a scab's package car.

Strikes can be ugly. I would never advocate violence

We had a strong local at that time, and the business agents did a pretty good job of organizing the strike line. The only trouble we had were from the other barns that walked with us out of support, but it was all verbal. I was told that during one of the shifts that they did not have enough members walking the picket line so they decided to put folding chairs to block the entrance to the building. The Company called the police to remove them and when they showed up they got out the billy clubs and beat the chairs into submission to remove them, heard everybody there were laughing or cheering them on.

I do remember that one supervisor died during the "97" strike, he was killed driving a feeder run and lost control of his semi on the freeway...

Last One In

Well-Known Member
We had a strong local at that time, and the business agents did a pretty good job of organizing the strike line. The only trouble we had were from the other barns that walked with us out of support, but it was all verbal. I was told that during one of the shifts that they did not have enough members walking the picket line so they decided to put folding chairs to block the entrance to the building. The Company called the police to remove them and when they showed up they got out the billy clubs and beat the chairs into submission to remove them, heard everybody there were laughing or cheering them on.

I do remember that one supervisor died during the "97" strike, he was killed driving a feeder run and lost control of his semi on the freeway...
I remember the sup dying. Flags lowered at half-staff at our building. Hate to be mean, but did they go to such an extent when the drivers were killed recently? Seems like crickets from ol' Carole.