According to Steve Bannon, Kari Lake is the “governor-elect of Arizona.”


nowhere special
Show me the law. You can't because there isn't one.
chain of custody is clearly pointed out. And admittedly broken under oath in court.





Well-Known Member
That’s a procedure manual, not a law. To this point no one has proven that the chain of custody was broken..
Hmmm, noticed that manual came from the AZ Secretary of State with the heading "AZ election laws and publications." I'm guessing the manual contains the procedures set forth by the AZ legislature. I.E. the law.


Well-Known Member
Trump was the one who called for the Constitution to be set aside, ( in light of the collusion between the FBI and liberals to steal the election) as well as called for the Electoral College to be abolishedas he said it was a Disaster in 2012.
Try again,thanks for playing
fixed if for you