According to Steve Bannon, Kari Lake is the “governor-elect of Arizona.”


Well-Known Member
I’d accept yours too. Was evidence submitted?
its ongoing. what do you think about the printing issues discussed today?

the lake team has an expert in that testified to a corruption of the printed ballots that affected the electronic system ability to count them. It sounds like a legitimate argument but I'm not sure what or how many votes it affected.

Now I'm not a lawyer but I believe an expert witness testifying would be considered evidence. do you have a different understanding?
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All Trash No Trailer
Kari Lake sending out a blizzard of tweets acting like today went well. Her people will buy it. Then when the judge rules against her, it will be another example to them of a corrupt Deep State judge ignoring their “evidence.” I watched it. It was a clown show.


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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You didn't answer the question.

Half of ballots were faulty in the largest county.
Do you think that is an election that was handled well?
Clearly not. But where's Kari's case?
Thank you.
Maybe next time you shouldn't spend so much time making fun of people who want fair elections.

You're welcome. I tried to stick strictly to the relevant parts of the conversation for as long as I could. Kari has no case. ;)