Advice for a single mom just starting with UPS? Please?


Pineapple King
It's in the contract---deal with it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but 20 years ago wasn't it quite the opposite of today's standard? Today it's what for every 5 jobs it's 4 insiders to 1 outsider(or something like that)? were as 20 years ago it was 3 outsiders to 1 insider for every 4 jobs? I was hired off the street and I get no resentment.


Well-Known Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but 20 years ago wasn't it quite the opposite of today's standard? Today it's what for every 5 jobs it's 4 insiders to 1 outsider(or something like that)? were as 20 years ago it was 3 outsiders to 1 insider for every 4 jobs? I was hired off the street and I get no resentment.

It was 3-1 when I was hired in 1989. There was also no resentment at that time.


Pineapple King
It was 3-1 when I was hired in 1989. There was also no resentment at that time.
Same here, I was 88. There were 3 of us(outsiders) hired that year 1 insider.Also no resentment. We have had a couple of outsiders over the last 10 years and no one gives them crap.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I was an Outside hire. (considered). I was a pt sup in one center and got hired in one 70 miles away. My kids were in senior high, and we discussed it. They had somehow turned into great young men who took education and their extracurricular seriously. They knew my hours, and they knew why I couldnt make it, but back then even with an hour commute, I made alot of stuff. I wanted them to have the best in their final yrs at home. But they didnt have me, but did just fine. They were old enough to understand the ways of the work world. Now they are both workaholics making twice what I do.
I hated paying for child care when I was making 3 bucks an hour, to pay someone else to spend time with my precious children. If you do not have to dont. It killed me being away from my babies for 4 hrs, 12 will surely make you take a dirt nap. I dont know how single parents handle this job with young children.


Well-Known Member
As a father of 3; ages 9, 2 1/2, and 4months I can tell you how difficult this job is. I walk out the door at 8:30am and walk back in it no earlier then 8:00pm daily. It is much later during peak. I was a cover driver for 6 years and am entering my 2nd year as a full time driver. And I am now asking myself this same question. Is it worth it. My wife recently got a job at a local college who give free tuition to family. I have been debating on what I should do. And basically I've come up with I will only do this job for 2 more years. The money is amazing, and the benefits are truly a best in the nation. But all of that just isn't worth it anymore for me. I have missed first steps, first words, first homeruns. I've missed so many firsts. I would gladly give up all the money for more time with the family. We cannot tell you what you should do. Take time to feel this one out and make sure it's what's best for you. Good luck.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I am sorry, I left out the part, even if you are married you lose out. I think that is a great decision, if you can do it. Good luck. You can never go back and recoup what you miss.


Well I will be the only realist in here, quit now, you will hate your job and hate your life not seeing your kids, just save yourself and the corporation the time and quit now... There are young kids like the ones you have working part time trying to get into a driver position so they can live a decent life monetary wise, Every job at UPS sucks and is stressful and I have only been a part time slave for 2 years. People are constantly quitting because its like the worse job and you pretty much make enough money each week to put fuel into your vehicle to make it back the following, think about that for awhile... I can't even afford to eat and cannot find another job because there are none, and I refuse to mooch off the government. I am lifting about **,*** pounds in an hour an a half for this stupid CEOs wallet, running as fast as possible like a chicken with my head cut off getting screamed at and disrespected constantly for minimum wage, and for someone to come in and ask if the driver position is worth it because you wont see your kids to answer that question, no, just quit now please you are ruining it for someone who needs that money and if you do stick with the job EXPECT days like this and no the corporation don't give one damn about you or if you have kids they only want to produce the most money in the tightest amount of time, people are just disposable now days welcome to the new age!


Well-Known Member
Sasquatch, I think you are confusing realism with pessimism. BTW, a "slave" is a person owned by another person---do you feel as though you are owned by UPS? The OP came here seeking advice, not a pity party.


Active Member
Well I appreciate everyone's thoughts and insight here, and actually a lot of the insight has helped me to make my decision. It's not the only deciding factor, of course, but it has helped. I am not staying. I honestly have already seen how management doesn't really care about you, they care about production, It's hard for me to deal with the negativity all day long everyday....does anyone ever do anything right here? Maybe some people are tough enough emotionally, but on friday I was given 187 stops and did not get home to my kids until 9pm. That killed me inside, and I know myself, I will not be able to handle that on a daily basis. As I said previously, I live in an area where I have no family around me at all, so my kids are at home alone with each other, and I just don't feel that's anyway to spend your childhood. I was offered a part time job with a great non-profit organization and I am taking it. I will be able to be there when my children need me, and that means more to me than money. I am really sad, as I have always wanted to be a UPS driver (honestly I have sonce I was a little kid!! LOL) but this would have been more feasable had I not had children! When you have children it really does change everything. I also have to deal with the issue that I am 36 years old, and already have problems with degenerative disc disease in my neck and lower back, and this job has already been torture on my body. I am not afraid of hard work, but it would clearly have been better for me to start doing something like this 10 years ago when I was in much better shape!! Another factor is this: after the season is over my sup told me I could get a job in the hub doing pre-load, ok.... doing that job I would take home $120 a week, which would not even pay my rent. So I would be busting my *** killing myself and get treated like **** for $120 a week that would only pay for my gas to get there and back? Hardly seems worth it. I need to be reasonable here, I know I could not do this job for the next 30 years of my life, my body will give out long before then ha ha. What good would I be to my kids then? LOL. My little guy is a tad disappointed that I won't be driving the big brown truck around anymore, but i don't think he honestly understands what it entails. He would know when I am not around for Christmas and all of that, but he will be much happier to have me around more, he will see the difference. For goodness sakes, I wouldn't even be able to bring them to the doctor if I stayed here, when would I ever have the time to do that??? My little one suffers from severe allergic asthma, so he has spent a lot of time in the hospital when he gets sick, I NEED to be there, asthma is nothing to take lightly. Anyway, sorry to go on so long here, but I wanted to say thank you to all of you for your opinions and insight, and just wanted to let you know that in the end, my kids are what matter to me most, even if they don't WANT me around all the time (my 17 yr old haha) I WANT to be available to them.


Man of Great Wisdom
Sasquatch, I think you are confusing realism with pessimism. BTW, a "slave" is a person owned by another person---do you feel as though you are owned by UPS? The OP came here seeking advice, not a pity party.

My fellow Skunk Ape has a different attitude then I do. The life I live, the trips we've taken, the money tucked away, the kids all going to college far out weigh the couple hours a night they didn't see me. As far as the OP, looks like the 17 year old might have to take up child care, laundry and making supper.


Man of Great Wisdom
Good luck former newgirl2012. Although my wife has always worked full time, she was always home at 4:30 and had the flexibility to handle appointments, sick days etc. She never once gave me grief about my hours, although she does manage the checkbook so there might be an ulterior motive.


Well I appreciate everyone's thoughts and insight here, and actually a lot of the insight has helped me to make my decision. It's not the only deciding factor, of course, but it has helped. I am not staying. I honestly have already seen how management doesn't really care about you, they care about production, It's hard for me to deal with the negativity all day long everyday....does anyone ever do anything right here? Maybe some people are tough enough emotionally, but on friday I was given 187 stops and did not get home to my kids until 9pm. That killed me inside, and I know myself, I will not be able to handle that on a daily basis. As I said previously, I live in an area where I have no family around me at all, so my kids are at home alone with each other, and I just don't feel that's anyway to spend your childhood. I was offered a part time job with a great non-profit organization and I am taking it. I will be able to be there when my children need me, and that means more to me than money. I am really sad, as I have always wanted to be a UPS driver (honestly I have sonce I was a little kid!! LOL) but this would have been more feasable had I not had children! When you have children it really does change everything. I also have to deal with the issue that I am 36 years old, and already have problems with degenerative disc disease in my neck and lower back, and this job has already been torture on my body. I am not afraid of hard work, but it would clearly have been better for me to start doing something like this 10 years ago when I was in much better shape!! Another factor is this: after the season is over my sup told me I could get a job in the hub doing pre-load, ok.... doing that job I would take home $120 a week, which would not even pay my rent. So I would be busting my *** killing myself and get treated like **** for $120 a week that would only pay for my gas to get there and back? Hardly seems worth it. I need to be reasonable here, I know I could not do this job for the next 30 years of my life, my body will give out long before then ha ha. What good would I be to my kids then? LOL. My little guy is a tad disappointed that I won't be driving the big brown truck around anymore, but i don't think he honestly understands what it entails. He would know when I am not around for Christmas and all of that, but he will be much happier to have me around more, he will see the difference. For goodness sakes, I wouldn't even be able to bring them to the doctor if I stayed here, when would I ever have the time to do that??? My little one suffers from severe allergic asthma, so he has spent a lot of time in the hospital when he gets sick, I NEED to be there, asthma is nothing to take lightly. Anyway, sorry to go on so long here, but I wanted to say thank you to all of you for your opinions and insight, and just wanted to let you know that in the end, my kids are what matter to me most, even if they don't WANT me around all the time (my 17 yr old haha) I WANT to be available to them.
Good luck to you and your family you made the right decision and that was family


The Nim
Anyway, sorry to go on so long here, but I wanted to say thank you to all of you for your opinions and insight, and just wanted to let you know that in the end, my kids are what matter to me most, even if they don't WANT me around all the time (my 17 yr old haha) I WANT to be available to them.

That is the most important thing. I wish you the best in what you do.


Active Member
LOL I guess it would be a lot different for me if I wasn't single, someone does always need to be there for appointments, sick days, school events, etc. We all know driving a truck will not give me that option. On the other hand with being single, I am in charge of the checkbook :)
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