Air Driver positions getting replaced by 22.4s?


Well-Known Member
It's in our rider that they can not replace air drivers. Though I wish they could. Air drivers are the laziest good for nothing's in the whole company. Get a FT job you bums!


Method Mensch

Well-Known Member
Yes. I know in 2 buildings so far. 22.4s work preload and run air. The air drivers are forced in the building not red circled at air rate. The company is allowed to do it because the air drivers are considered part time.
That's odd, I'm pretty confident The National Agreement has a stipulation that part-time to full time you get red circled.

Peppermint Patty

Cardboard Pusher
Air driving in my buidling is basically a bid job for part timers. Pretty sure they can eliminate the position. If they do those drivers would go back inside the building and get paid there inside rate.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Also losing air drivers as Saturday service takes over.
