She is so hot!
She is so hot!
Better than raising all the welfare children, and whole lots of them for democrat votes. And keeping God out of everything will ensure its growth.
"The Pope works for my God."
Oh, good example. The head of one of the largest child abuse hiding organizations in the world. You must be proud.
"Plus I don't think they volunteer to be welfare children."
Perhaps not. But they sure don't spend any time or energy trying to get off welfare.
Coming from an Ann Coulter kissing bigot,such as yourself,that holds alot of weight.
That's what you Coulter Cult fanatics are all about,sterotyping,labeling,bigotry and stirring up controversy to steer away attention from the inevitable downfall of the far right conservative repulican party.
Shows your true conservative colors.
Concerning children on welfare,what do you want them to do,work in child harbouring "sweatshops"run by republicans.
I expected you to attack the welfare childrens parents,not the children themselves.
This is our America not Hannity's America!
Ann Coulter is a dog and a media whore.She's the equivlent of Rosie O'Donnell only the opposite side of the spectrum.
Carefull now,according to Falwell your going to Hell fantasizing about Ann Coulter.Did'nt you know she used to be a guy.Everybodys giong to Hell if you don't see things Falwell's way.He's done some good, but all these TV Evengalists interpet the Bible according to their views only,there living standards are way to extravagant,and they want to raise all these little Neo.Con babies for future Rep. votes.
Hey diesel I graduated from Falwells university and decided to stay here in his home town. It always surprises me how people make up their mind about someone from getting their information from a bias,liberal God hating media. Jerry Falwell has always given any and all credit to the Lord Jesus Christ. Has he made some mistakes , yes. Its not Falwells way, as you have stated. Its Christ way, Jerry Falwell has always made it clear that it is --you, that makes the final decision on wether- you -choose to accept the Death , Burial and resurection of christ. Dont sterotype all the TV evangalists into one group, just because there are a few bad apples. Believe or not, God is not just someone that a made the earth and everything else and just forgot about it. He wants to be a personal God that cares about every aspect of your life. Jerry Falwell was the real deal. an old School Pastor that told it like it was(from a Biblical stand point)and that offends alot of people. Many of the disciples had the same unwavering approach. When judgement comes its just you and God, no bs no excuses.
This is our America not Hannity's America!
"The Pope works for my God."
Oh, good example. The head of one of the largest child abuse hiding organizations in the world. You must be proud.
When you attack The Pope and and all Catholics around the world,yes I take that as a personal attack.
I ask the moderater team to leave this post to show Over9five's true colors.Is that ok with you Scratch?
Over9five,I don't mind trading paint with you in"current events" but I'll leave out the personal attacks if you leave out the personal attacks in the future.
Big Arrow asks"So anyone that believes in conservative and Christian values is a bigot?
I said Ann Coulter Fanatics and those as far right as she, are bigots,not mainstream conservatives and christians,so don't twist my statements around.
Big Arrow ask"explain how we are all about sterotyping,labeling,bigotry and stirring up controversy".
Thats easy look at your own post;
"If the far right, as extreme as they are sometimes, falls then this country will fall. And it'll be at the hands of whacko Liberals".
Sounds like sterotyping and labeling to me.
Another ex; Far right wing conservatives who buys or endorses Ann Coulter's book which intentionally stirs up controversy and mean spirited attacks on all liberals,democrats,and especially the 9/11 wives .
Another Ex: The political Quotes you and Over9five and Rt wingers used at the bottom of all your posts,even when its outside the politcal arena such as UPS Dicussions.Not only is that annoying but it's sterotyping and labeling.
To Toonertoo,Ok,I'll man up.I take back my"little Neo-Con Baby" remark.It's not the kid's fault ,it's the parents.
To Area43:I did mention Mr Falwell did some good such as your University (which has some very strict codes)in my opinion.He's open the doors for other Evangelists around the country,started from a very small parrish and built it to a powerful entity.
But then he and other Evengelists crossed over into the political arena and push their agenda into mainstream Gov't with their church views,instead of seperation of church and state as the constiution states.When one enters into the political arena ,they subject themselves to personal attacks and critizism.It's unfortunate but it happens in this society.
Then,Mr Falwell's personal attacks and the damnation,of Jews,Homosexuals,sinners etc... and then blaming these groups and nonbelievers for the 9/11 attacks.
I did not get this from the so called"bias,liberal god hating media"but myself and millions around the globe witness this with their own eyes and ears.
It's not "Christ Way" to be hardcore,in your face,old school preacher,thats not how Jesus behaved(in my opinion).The Jesus I grew up with is kind,loving,and forgiven.You have every right to believe your church and founder as do I.
Along as religion groups stay out of Gov't and out of the political arena they are not subject to personal attacks in this forum.People carry with them their morals and religiois beliefs as political candidates and get voted in to office,but to the elected official his Bible is The Constitution.
And Area43 I will take in account your request of not sterotyping ALL TV Evangelists into one group,especially the ones who stay out of the political arena.
I do agree with your last statement" When judgement comes it's only going to be between you and God.
That post was deleted, it sounded like a personal attack. Diesel96, its fine to disagree with another User, but you need to debate ideas without the name calling.
"The Pope works for my God."
Oh, good example. The head of one of the largest child abuse hiding organizations in the world. You must be proud.
When you attack The Pope and and all Catholics around the world,yes I take that as a personal attack.
I ask the moderater team to leave this post to show Over9five's true colors.Is that ok with you Scratch?
Over9five,I don't mind trading paint with you in"current events" but I'll leave out the personal attacks if you leave out the personal attacks in the future.
Big Arrow asks"So anyone that believes in conservative and Christian values is a bigot?
I said Ann Coulter Fanatics and those as far right as she, are bigots,not mainstream conservatives and christians,so don't twist my statements around.
Big Arrow ask"explain how we are all about sterotyping,labeling,bigotry and stirring up controversy".
Thats easy look at your own post;
"If the far right, as extreme as they are sometimes, falls then this country will fall. And it'll be at the hands of whacko Liberals".
Sounds like sterotyping and labeling to me.
Another ex; Far right wing conservatives who buys or endorses Ann Coulter's book which intentionally stirs up controversy and mean spirited attacks on all liberals,democrats,and especially the 9/11 wives .
Another Ex: The political Quotes you and Over9five and Rt wingers used at the bottom of all your posts,even when its outside the politcal arena such as UPS Dicussions.Not only is that annoying but it's sterotyping and labeling.
To Toonertoo,Ok,I'll man up.I take back my"little Neo-Con Baby" remark.It's not the kid's fault ,it's the parents.
To Area43:I did mention Mr Falwell did some good such as your University (which has some very strict codes)in my opinion.He's open the doors for other Evangelists around the country,started from a very small parrish and built it to a powerful entity.
But then he and other Evengelists crossed over into the political arena and push their agenda into mainstream Gov't with their church views,instead of seperation of church and state as the constiution states.When one enters into the political arena ,they subject themselves to personal attacks and critizism.It's unfortunate but it happens in this society.
Then,Mr Falwell's personal attacks and the damnation,of Jews,Homosexuals,sinners etc... and then blaming these groups and nonbelievers for the 9/11 attacks.
I did not get this from the so called"bias,liberal god hating media"but myself and millions around the globe witness this with their own eyes and ears.
It's not "Christ Way" to be hardcore,in your face,old school preacher,thats not how Jesus behaved(in my opinion).The Jesus I grew up with is kind,loving,and forgiven.You have every right to believe your church and founder as do I.
Along as religion groups stay out of Gov't and out of the political arena they are not subject to personal attacks in this forum.People carry with them their morals and religiois beliefs as political candidates and get voted in to office,but to the elected official his Bible is The Constitution.
And Area43 I will take in account your request of not sterotyping ALL TV Evangelists into one group,especially the ones who stay out of the political arena.
I do agree with your last statement" When judgement comes it's only going to be between you and God.
In typical Liberal fashion you've only accomplished a lengthy rant that proves nothing. It's funny that you Liberals always cry that us conservatives, and "far rightists" if you will, are "labeling or stereotyping" everything yet you always "label" anything we say as "Bigotry" or "Racist" or anything else you guys can come up with. It's also funny that in Ann Coluter's book "How to Talk to a Liberal: If You Must" she lays out a blueprint for how Liberals react to things. I see it here almost everyday. Jerry Falwell was a better person than just about any Liberal out there. If there were more Jerry Falwells around instead of a bunch of anti-American, anti-god, baby killing Liberals then this country could have morals again.
Christopher Hitchens wrote an interesting counterpoint