Atlanta Real Esatate Agents Cancel 125 Accounts with UPS


Well-Known Member
UPS claims it is firing 250 drivers because of its 'commitment' to customers. But UPS customers are calling on the company to stop the mass firings and return the drivers to work. Some are even canceling their accounts. Local 804 members work hard to build UPS's business. We don't want to see a single customer go away. But our public campaign will continue until UPS brings every fired driver back to work.

Check out this unsolicited email that the Board of Realtors sent to UPS executives in Atlanta, the company's hometown.

UPS Executives

There is no need for long emails and nasty words. We will let our actions speak for themselves. As of today, April 3, 2014, 125 Real Estate agents throughout the Atlanta, GA. area have canceled their services with your company. Until JairoReyes and the 250 employees fired for speaking up for what is "Right" are returned back to the company, we will continue to spread the word and have as many accounts canceled as possible.

Again, no need for long emails or nasty words. We will continue to express our deep disappointment for your lack of respect and appreciation for the "Everyday Working Individuals" that made your company great through our continued effort to have every successful agent and thriving business cancel all accounts with your company until you reverse the actions of the above mentioned employees.


Lisa M. White
Atlanta board of Realtors
See you Lisa. Good luck getting your important closing paperwork on time from FedEx or your local Post Office. After you loose business you may need to get a part time job working the Night Sort at the UPS Atlanta Hub.
P.S. Lisa. Good luck with that too.