Biden signs executive order mandating vaccination.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Its pandemonium!!

I posted about this on this topic on this thread or maybe another that said this violates Title VII of the civil rights act in that putting someone on unpaid leave is not a reasonable accommodation and that if any company does that, immediately put them on notice to reverse course and immediately report it to your state civil division; that way if they fire you or put you on that leave then hire a lawyer to claim your millions of dollars lawsuit. Here you go. That’s called religious discrimination. Just remember that when you claim that exemption, to keep it strictly religious. DO NOT mention the science in a religious exemption letter or any part.


Well-Known Member

If this employment requirement goes through, you will be forced to get whatever boosters as many times as they tell you to.

Here's a hint of where we are going

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Well-Known Member

Within an hour of this video being released Twitter locks out Project Veritas. Is it all just qanon Trump conspiracy?

"It's (the vaccine) killed over 200,000 people. A 12 year old boy just died from it". -Brandon Shadt Johnson and Johnson.


Well-Known Member
If the 10s of thousands of UPSers that are refusing to get the shot decide to "find another job" you will have big problems. I bet you would quit from the stress.
Yep. We've got about 50 drivers & I'd say only around 10-15 got the vax. About 10-15 have tested positive for it & most likely another 15 have had it but never tested. Most of us would probably test weekly but not get vax. If it was vax only we'd probably lose 10 drivers.
The big issue is the part timers, they just don't have enough to lose to get forced into vaccinations. We'd lose @ least half of the part timers to this non sense.
This isn't even taking into consideration the 100,000 people we need to hire for peak, they going to force them to get vaccinated?