Black Lives Matter BLM "movement"

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
  • BLM Global Network reported contributions of just $9.3million for the fiscal year
  • That was down 88 percent from $77million reported just 12 months earlier
Apparently some idiots still believe the lie.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I guess no payday for Ben Crump

You would think an attorney would know when to keep their mouth shut or post something stupid on line. A word of wisdom for those on the public stage…Get the facts before making any personal opinions..

Civil lawsuits for slander are very much in vogue, previous large settlements is the standard now. It goes both ways …this whole WOKE agenda is nothing but (reverse) racism, which is just another fancy term for real discrimination and/or racism.


Strength through joy

  • Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, a non-profit that grew out of the protest movement, is haemorrhaging cash, financial records show
  • The group ran an $8.5 million deficit and saw the value of its investment accounts drop by nearly $10 million, with fundraising down 88% year-on-year
  • Despite the financial woes, the organization still paid relatives of the founder and of a board member hundreds of thousands of dollars for services
Cullors' brother, Paul Cullors, set up two companies which were paid $1.6 million providing 'professional security services' for Black Lives Matter in 2022. Paul Cullors was also one of BLM's only two paid employees during the year, collecting a $126,000 salary as 'head of security' on top of his consulting fees. He is best known as a graffiti artist, with no background in security.