Boston bully in local 170


@BigUnionGuy you posted a pic of who you believe he is so ..let's see yours .. an eye for an eye. Hyena
Here's a pic of @anHOURover


Well-Known Member
loaders coming in drunk on preload after watching football all day sunday... union protects them its a joke, uinion were good back in the day when working conditions were horrible and bosses treated you like crap... now they protect ppl who abuse the center and other employees

It's called fair duty of representation even scum like you get the same you don't like it withdraw and hit the streets


I've made major strides here on this forum to try and be cordial, and will continue to do so. There is one member of this forum that is bringing out the worst in everyone.


I started this.
Staff member
Perhaps you should've sent that message to @BigUnionGuy , you know after he sent the pic the first time. I said it rhetorically, I know he ain't got the balls to put his own pic out here.
Report stuff like that. Otherwise the mods probably won't see it. Our site operates on an honor system...


I started this.
Staff member
Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, opinions, their occupation or their personal situation. These examples are not exhaustive. Insulting or disparaging another member is a personal attack regardless of the manner in which it is done. These offensive comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate, reasoned debate and damaging to the purpose of our community.