Breaking news...LIAM at the....


Well-Known Member
Tim had no say at either walkout, but they are his men and has to share liability, all I'm saying is we will not be pushed around, and those are the people I want at my negotiation table.
I agree with most of what you say.....I work at ups also and I know how they are....they are scumbags......the only way to beat ups is with grievences that make them pay.....that's the only statement they recognize.......they violate the contract every chance they get......I am sure you can find a violation to strike over to make a statement


Well-Known Member
It is Tim's local. But after Dave O pulled the 7 minute incident in Melville, all 804 officers and BAs were specifically told under no uncertain circumstances are you to act unilaterally like this again. Tim said "it is my call and if anyone has a problem with it they can leave right now!!" Liam was in that room. Liam agreed with Tim. Fast forward 3 years later, Liam defies protocol and Tim's directive. Who's fault is it??

Amazing?? Tim never said such at Any GM meeting!!! But you know this for fact! Your either full of it! Or?

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I get my info from numerous sources inside that room. Does any one REALLY believe Hall the Conceder could have saved 250 Members when he basically accepts whatever UPS says: Sure Post, Access Points, technology language,etc. The man is soft. So he brings SOB as backup.

Truth is Tim and the District Manager did all the substantial bargaining. Hall played mediator. The deal was made. End of story.
Unfortunately your story is off being that you and Tim are the only ones projecting that. Tim was very quiet at the women's convention. Not much support there. Still waiting to hear from 804 members on thanking Tim. Nobody does. Not even the steward that was originally fired thinks Tim did anything.
The guy who started the vote no page is from the carve out local in nj. All you have to do is ask me brother. The person who takes credit (mt) for making it didn't even start it. His co worker did and was afraid of the backlash. So MT took it over. I agree he turned it into a Tdu billboard. He has lost a lot of credibility if he ever had any. Just because I don't approve of the imposing of the contract does not mean I'm Tdu. They obviously have their own agenda and I don't agree
So why did you impersonate him on this message board? Don't you think that is kinda wrong?


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately your story is off being that you and Tim are the only ones projecting that. Tim was very quiet at the women's convention. Not much support there. Still waiting to hear from 804 members on thanking Tim. Nobody does. Not even the steward that was originally fired thinks Tim did anything.
It's a hoffa cheerleading event! Don't think you will find many supporters at a photo op
Unfortunately your story is off being that you and Tim are the only ones projecting that. Tim was very quiet at the women's convention. Not much support there. Still waiting to hear from 804 members on thanking Tim. Nobody does. Not even the steward that was originally fired thinks Tim did anything.
Yea there was no love for Tim there. Kinda funny. Such a positive event yet no love for Tim. That will show you a precursor of next November.