Buffalo Shooting

El Correcto

god is dead
I guess Asian hate crimes aren’t happening anymore either. Oh wait! There not reporting them anymore, the wrong color people are attacking the Asians. Simpletons can’t comprehend truth.
You can’t criticize black criminals because a white neo nazi went out and shot some innocent people. You look too much like a Nazi saying stuff like Jacob Blake was a domestic abuser rapist and that woman called the cops on him because he was a threat to her. He got what was coming to him when he decided to resist and make a go for the car in that situation.

You got to just always condemn the cops, society, republicans, slavery, Jim Crowe, racism, the constitution, etc. you can’t say a single bad thing about a person who happens to be black.


I'm a star


I'm a star
Signs of a False Flag
1. Asks you to respond emotionally rather than intellectually.
2. Strips the event of context, such as the contemporary factual setting, geopolitical reality, or historical awareness.
3. Demands a rush to judgment before a diligent, independent inquiry occurs.
4. Collectivizes judgment, by taking an individual event, and demands you blame an entire culture, religion, race, ancestry, community or country for it.
5. The only explicable motive offered for the offending action is irrational evil or utterly stupid immorality, as it is against the rational interest of the offender to commit the act for the reasons alleged.


Well-Known Member
Lol he thinks white supremest are a problem,and money can fix it?
Where did you read money in the statement? Lol at your reading comprehension and inability to think outside of the box. Part of the solution to resolving problems is first understanding them. You obviously don’t understand this problem.


Well-Known Member
A black supremacist killed a capitol police officer. The media made the story go away.

A black supremacist ran over a bunch of people in Waukesha. The media made the story go away.

I didn't say the motive wasn't an important part of the story. I said the media will obsess about this story, because he's white. If he was black, they'd move on as fast as possible, like always.

Ttku little buddy.
Seriously what's happened with the guy who ran over all those parade goers? Just disappeared.


Well-Known Member
Where did you read money in the statement? Lol at your reading comprehension and inability to think outside of the box. Part of the solution to resolving problems is first understanding them. You obviously don’t understand this problem.
You do know reparations means giving blacks money for their ancestors being enslaved, right?


Well-Known Member
Where did you read money in the statement? Lol at your reading comprehension and inability to think outside of the box. Part of the solution to resolving problems is first understanding them. You obviously don’t understand this problem.

by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.


Well-Known Member
Signs of a False Flag
1. Asks you to respond emotionally rather than intellectually.
2. Strips the event of context, such as the contemporary factual setting, geopolitical reality, or historical awareness.
3. Demands a rush to judgment before a diligent, independent inquiry occurs.
4. Collectivizes judgment, by taking an individual event, and demands you blame an entire culture, religion, race, ancestry, community or country for it.
5. The only explicable motive offered for the offending action is irrational evil or utterly stupid immorality, as it is against the rational interest of the offender to commit the act for the reasons alleged.
That may be so in some situations but like the guy who shot up that church in South Carolina, and the one who shot up the Wal-Mart in El Paso, occasionally a white idiot who sees the world in very skewed terms, and leaves content verifying that, goes and kills a lot of people of a different race to make in his mind some kind of point. And unfortunately plays right into the hands of those who smear conservatives and play on people's fear to get them to vote Democrat.