By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Yeah I did.

She was considering doing a bodybuilding show at the time she got preg with Ava. So things like going up stairs were relatively easy for her late into the pregnancy last time. Not that she was fat whale going into this one but she hadn’t been working out twice a day for 6 months straight so naturally it’s gonna be a little tougher on her physically
Admit it. You were just happy Ava came out looking like you instead of Jim or any of those guys you served your wife up to like she was a deviled egg platter. Lol.


nowhere special
Admit it. You were just happy Ava came out looking like you instead of Jim or any of those guys you served your wife up to like she was a deviled egg platter. Lol.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I want to ask you guys something. If a friend of your child was in an abusive relationship, and you know the dad, would you tell him what’s going on or stay out of it so your own child isn’t put in the middle of a huge drama scene?