By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
They won’t be though. They’ll literally be shutting off the genes that age us or at least slowing them down. It’s coming.

I’m not crazy about the thought of it but it’s coming. Think about medically how far things have come in your lifetime. Now give that another 75 years.
Did Ava tear into her Easter basket?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
All my life I fought a weight battle.....not fat, just chunky and tall. Along comes cancer and I'm thin and in the size I was always striving for. Go figure!
Lady at my parents church is going through s similar thing. Trying to lose weight her whole life. Has cancer now she’s trying to gain weight


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
We had to explain why the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny were able to come on the same night. Lmao, very concerned if they saw each other.
Had a friend recently whose tooth fairy forgot to come for like a week. Kid left this note. Lol
