By Invitation Only


nowhere special
What? Pumping Gas? Beat it with that crap. No pumping gas here, just ass! And we don’t have ditches either. @Wally , you see the condition of some of these roads? Lmao.


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It happens fast. 3 years old!!!!

Not quite big enough for most of the big rides though. Went to 2 fairs this weekend. She was pretty disappointed. She did get to do the tilt-a-whirl and scrambler though.
Those are rough rides for a 3 year old. She's going to be a handful in her teens.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Those are rough rides for a 3 year old. She's going to be a handful in her teens.
I do not care for the rides. Never have. So my wife road with her. Said she just kept yelling fast go fast.

She’s getting a 4 wheeler for Christmas. Gonna have to make sure the throttle screw is set pretty low lol