class action suit against u.p.s. by retirees


Nine Lives
The part timers had the chance to vote. Retirees didn't.
Just shows how clueless you are when it comes to certain things. Part time has always cut their own throats by not getting involved in the contract negotiations. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Not clueless at all.
Just like the blacks in the South who could "vote" but they didn't back in the first half of the 1900's.
Certain unscrupulous peoples voted against the blacks because they choose not to come to the polls.
Both outcomes were shameful.

The only thing I have against Unions is this type of hateful discrimination.
Those contracts that instituted the two tier system were the ones with bonuses. Coincidence?

Those working did realize the long term implications. As I said. And as I said the employees only looking at short term money took the cash and ran.

I was a red circled part timer so I did live through those events.
I still am a red circle Part Timer that lived through those events. I suppose you blame RTW legislation on labor Unions too.
All for a tiny little raise. Kids live for now. Instead of the future. If pt ers only realized. They could own every contract.
I was being sarcastic. I knew if the two tier wage went into effect it would be the end of UPS being a great PT job. Never thought just how bad the Union would let the job get to be. I always believed the Union was there to protect the least of us. Silly I know.


Well-Known Member
Best bet would be to contact a lawyer. They usually take only a cut of the settlement, but they might be best suited to determine whether or not you have a case. I know a lot of people would love to lend their support.


Staff member
Not clueless at all.
Just like the blacks in the South who could "vote" but they didn't back in the first half of the 1900's.
Certain unscrupulous peoples voted against the blacks because they choose not to come to the polls.
Both outcomes were shameful.

The only thing I have against Unions is this type of hateful discrimination.
You have got to be kidding with that analogy. Blacks in the reconstruction south didn't "choose" not to come to the polls, they were specifically targeted by Jim Crow laws that discouraged them from voting:
Blacks were still elected to local offices through the 1880s, but the establishment Democrats were passing laws to make voter registration and electoral rules more restrictive, with the result that political participation by most blacks and many poor whites began to decrease.[4][5] Between 1890 and 1910, ten of the eleven former Confederate states, starting with Mississippi, passed new constitutions or amendments that effectively disenfranchised most blacks and tens of thousands of poor whites through a combination of poll taxes, literacy and comprehension tests, and residency and record-keeping requirements.[4][5] Grandfather clauses temporarily permitted some illiterate whites to vote but gave no relief to most blacks.

Voter turnout dropped drastically through the South as a result of such measures. In Louisiana, by 1900, black voters were reduced to 5,320 on the rolls, although they comprised the majority of the state's population. By 1910, only 730 blacks were registered, less than 0.5 percent of eligible black men. "In 27 of the state's 60 parishes, not a single black voter was registered any longer; in 9 more parishes, only one black voter was."[6] The cumulative effect in North Carolina meant that black voters were completely eliminated from voter rolls during the period from 1896–1904. The growth of their thriving middle class was slowed. In North Carolina and other Southern states, there were also the effects of invisibility: "[W]ithin a decade of disfranchisement, the white supremacy campaign had erased the image of the black middle class from the minds of white North Carolinians."[6] Alabama had tens of thousands of poor whites disenfranchised.[7]

The only thing stopping a part timer from voting is being too lazy to fill out a ballot and drop it in the mail.