Consolidate Safety threads...On Topic!


Gravy route
A few posters are filling this forum with repetitive safety threads and posts.

I know we have the choice to ignore.

But really, how many times can the same stuff come up over and over again.

The purpose of this thread is not to discuss safety concerns!

Please, please, stop. We get enough of this crap at work.


Gravy route
And if any of the "safety" posters are posting for their job...admit it.

This forum is not supposed to be a vehicle for company propaganda or company "culture" influencing.

It is driving members away.


Binge Poster
A few posters are filling this forum with repetitive safety threads and posts.

I know we have the choice to ignore.

But really, how many times can the same stuff come up over and over again.

The purpose of this thread is not to discuss safety concerns!

Please, please, stop. We get enough of this crap at work.
What would you care to discuss?

Not discussing things you don’t want to discuss?

It is your thread, discuss away!


Binge Poster
And if any of the "safety" posters are posting for their job...admit it.

This forum is not supposed to be a vehicle for company propaganda or company "culture" influencing.

It is driving members away.
Just so you know this is a forum for UPS related issues.

Might I suggest heading over to the Life After Brown forum.

This may better suit your discussion needs.

Nasty members usually drive members of discussion forums away.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
A few posters are filling this forum with repetitive safety threads and posts.

I know we have the choice to ignore.

But really, how many times can the same stuff come up over and over again.

The purpose of this thread is not to discuss safety concerns!

Please, please, stop. We get enough of this crap at work.

Just what happens when the resident safety guru is in management. They spin their wheels both at work and on here in an attempt to look and feel important.


And if any of the "safety" posters are posting for their job...admit it.

This forum is not supposed to be a vehicle for company propaganda or company "culture" influencing.

It is driving members away.

Speaking of company propaganda, I wish I could get a good recording of these mandatory rookie meetings I attend 3 days a week. A couple drivers who help 'lead' the meetings double-down on mgmt rhetoric. Yesterday one was very sternly warning us that while we're on the clock "REMEMBER, UPS OWNS YOU! YOU ARE A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UPS BRAND!"


Good thing I wore my brown pants
What would you care to discuss?

Not discussing things you don’t want to discuss?

It is your thread, discuss away!

hes basically politely telling YOU to stop....
as an example, in one of your many, condescending, stick up your bottom, posts, you " allowed " responses before you gave yours.

your Holier than thou attitude is getting pretty predictable and tiresome.


Allergic to cardboard.
Speaking of company propaganda, I wish I could get a good recording of these mandatory rookie meetings I attend 3 days a week. A couple drivers who help 'lead' the meetings double-down on mgmt rhetoric. Yesterday one was very sternly warning us that while we're on the clock "REMEMBER, UPS OWNS YOU! YOU ARE A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UPS BRAND!"
I’m sure those stooge drivers leading the meetings are working off the clock.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
A few posters are filling this forum with repetitive safety threads and posts.

I know we have the choice to ignore.

But really, how many times can the same stuff come up over and over again.

The purpose of this thread is not to discuss safety concerns!

Please, please, stop. We get enough of this crap at work.
Take chances. Safety is for big