Contract hidden issues found thus far


Well-Known Member
407 steward might have mastered the art of a paregraph, but he certainly has not mastered the art of reading comprehension! Read the contract!
We have. It's nobody's fault but your own that you have a hard time enforcing it. I realized that everyone that is a no vote does so out of fear. Fear!!! Fear can motivate you ya know. But I feel that the people that got stepped on for 5 years want "exact language". Exact language WILL be the downfall of all of us. Language that is devoid of exactitudes saves jobs people.

brown bomber

brown bomber
I'm a retiree (Central States)...still have 2 kids that would be covered, if i wasn't forced to retire due to disability.......will they now be covered ??...also there was some chatter regarding dental and vision coverage for retirees????.........Where do I find this info ??


Well-Known Member
Actually, the few facts that Stink,407 and real' have shared looses all credibility with all of their childish name calling post. Both sides made their points about 700 post ago, but enjoy running up their posting numbers and acting like they have something new to say. Personally, I respect the fact that some BC members are so adamate with their views for or against the proposed TA, but the least we can do is keep it a discussion.

We will ALL know in a few weeks the real outcome of this contract. Some will be satisfied and others will feel screwed with the results.

The contract proposal/supplimentals have been put out here on the internet in a couple of places. JUST GO READ IT and decide for yourself how you want to vote. JUST MAKE SURE YOU VOTE! I'm sure we can ALL accept with the results (for or against it) if 80+% of the Union employees at least VOTE. But if the out come of the contract is decided with a less than 50% voter turn out, this destructive internal union employee fued will just continue.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the few facts that Stink,407 and real' have shared looses all credibility with all of their childish name calling post. Both sides made their points about 700 post ago, but enjoy running up their posting numbers and acting like they have something new to say. Personally, I respect the fact that some BC members are so adamate with their views for or against the proposed TA, but the least we can do is keep it a discussion.

We will ALL know in a few weeks the real outcome of this contract. Some will be satisfied and others will feel screwed with the results.

The contract proposal/supplimentals have been put out here on the internet in a couple of places. JUST GO READ IT and decide for yourself how you want to vote. JUST MAKE SURE YOU VOTE! I'm sure we can ALL accept with the results (for or against it) if 80+% of the Union employees at least VOTE. But if the out come of the contract is decided with a less than 50% voter turn out, this destructive internal union employee fued will just continue.
I agree. But, I never posted anything saying anyone should vote yes or no. I've said I endorse this TA. I've said to read the actual TA. There are many others that say "educate each other regardless of what side your on" then post an opinion about how they hope everyone votes no. This is irresponsible and the antithesis of education of facts.
As for 407, Real and I, its a deeper issue than getting post numbers up. I have no idea what mine is as I can't see that on my iPhone app. Real is on here to promote an agenda. I disagree with that agenda. Far too long it's been ignored. So I, 407, BUG and a few others will challenge the rhetoric.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I agree. But, I never posted anything saying anyone should vote yes or no. I've said I endorse this TA. I've said to read the actual TA. There are many others that say "educate each other regardless of what side your on" then post an opinion about how they hope everyone votes no. This is irresponsible and the antithesis of education of facts.
As for 407, Real and I, its a deeper issue than getting post numbers up. I have no idea what mine is as I can't see that on my iPhone app. Real is on here to promote an agenda. I disagree with that agenda. Far too long it's been ignored. So I, 407, BUG and a few others will challenge the rhetoric.
You got me Stink. I am agenda driven.
Also, I am voting NO on this TA. It's becuase of the health care downgrade we are being forced into.


Well-Known Member
The whole friend* thing is a joke waiting to happen. The Health is reduced and the give backs are a joke. UPS went to the table with a big Smile On the Face because Obama gave them a way out with Obamacare. They walked into the room and told Hoffy and Hall we are not giving Heatlh Care to anyone anymore, you supported the law now eat it. Teamsters had to do something because if not they would have egg on the face. Now we have the ones who wrote the health are law saying it is going to be Train Wreck and even teamsters 5 months ago started to asking for sud benfits from the federal goverment because they knew UPS was going to be doing this. It is way past time for people to get your heads out of your or Hoffy butt and think for yourself. The Fact is people pay dues and want info. Teamsters needs to get the info out to people like the health and welfare changes and not show up to a meeting and say we don't know but it looks good. I have worked for a non-union work site at my fulll time job and they have changed health insurance twice in the last 15 yrs and they had full meetings with full details. So don't tell me the teamsters can't have the info before they have a meeting they want us to remain the dark. Bottom line.


Well-Known Member
You got me Stink. I am agenda driven.
Also, I am voting NO on this TA.
You just proved my point idiot!
Read your post before you send it.

Real, you just put your foot in your mouth saying you DON'T have an agenda yet you told people to go on Brown Cafe or TDU? Not to mention the many posts of telling people vote no! Dude, REALy? Am I the only person that sees Real's BS? His posts are filled with agenda. He says think for yourself, I agree. So read the contract I gave you the link to that is on your REAL union website.


Well-Known Member
You just proved my point idiot!
Read your post before you send it.

Real, you just put your foot in your mouth saying you DON'T have an agenda yet you told people to go on Brown Cafe or TDU? Not to mention the many posts of telling people vote no! Dude, REALy? Am I the only person that sees Real's BS? His posts are filled with agenda. He says think for yourself, I agree. So read the contract I gave you the link to that is on your REAL union website.
So its agreed you both have an agenda Browns Is TDU and yours is the REAL union.

ups clerk

Well-Known Member
I've looked over the proposed agreement and here's what I've found that hasn't been mentioned besides the obvious. Our medical will not be the same at least for some. There will now be a deductible of $200. In retirement insurance pays 80/20 in network and 70/30 out. Deductible is per person and new coverage does not cover kids...just you and your spouse. To be eligible for coverage in retirement you must be at least 55 and have at least 25 years of service.

Vacations will now be picked in two segments. You will be allowed to pick one week during June/July and August. If you have six weeks to pick you will be allowed to pick four. After everyone picks the first round you will then be able to pick the rest.

If a holiday falls during a vacation week you will get paid for the day. You no longer have the option of scheduling the extra day.

I see no language that states that the 22.3 jobs will not be split into two part time jobs on two different shifts like they were in the last contract.

Part timers who work extra as driver helpers will not get overtime now after five hours. All driver helper hours will be straight time up to eight hours in a day and they are not allowed to work over eight hours in one day.

Extra work on a sixth day will go first to employees who haven't yet worked their five days during the week.

This a total slap in the face to part time seniority and part timers are getting burned again. Read your contract supplement riders for your area. I got these out of the Central supplement rider. These are those things they slip in and think no one notices. I know there are others, but I think this is enough for you to make up your minds. Read your supplements and decide if you can work with these conditions added. It's hall once again giving the company back things we already had.
Where is the supplements. All I see is the Master TA, unless they added the supplements recently.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying we should not support our union? This is our union! One I've supported for 19 years through thick and thin. I may not agree with every move every time but my support for our true union is always there. I take offense when other "non union organizations" try to divide it. As should others.


Well-Known Member
I am a Teamster. Im also a member of TDU. I respect both, the reason I joined TDU because I feel the leadership is weak and its time for a change. Their is no Unity anymore. Everyday the Union ( which I love) is becoming more like a business and tends to care less about the members.


Well-Known Member
I just recieved a teamsters mailing. A three page "summary" of the tentative agreement. It was exremely disturbing how they only highlighted some issues that were slightly improved. They very strategically left out any and all info describing the concessions. It was a very obvious attempt to decieve us by not giving the whole big picture, It resembles a used car salesman trying to sell me a lemon by only telling me the good parts, and conceiling the other parts.

They should be laying out both the good and bad info together, so we members can make an informed educated decision on our own. It was nothing better than political propaganda. What has happen to our union? Why are they trying to decieve us?


Well-Known Member
The mailing is propaganda. The union (and it's "real" members) are pushing HARD for this to go through.

Some of you union guys are boneheads. Cheerleaders on both sides escalating to threats of physical violence. WHAT ****ING LOCAL YOU FROM, pusillanimous BRITCHES.


Staff member
I just recieved a teamsters mailing. A three page "summary" of the tentative agreement. It was exremely disturbing how they only highlighted some issues that were slightly improved. They very strategically left out any and all info describing the concessions. It was a very obvious attempt to decieve us by not giving the whole big picture, It resembles a used car salesman trying to sell me a lemon by only telling me the good parts, and conceiling the other parts. They should be laying out both the good and bad info together, so we members can make an informed educated decision on our own. It was nothing better than political propaganda. What has happen to our union? Why are they trying to decieve us?

Just got mine too, and I have only just glanced at it.

My God, they really sacrificed the unborn on this one (it seems). Only four year PC drivers can get over 9.5 protection??? Did I read that right??? Management are going to KILL those poor junior drivers.

​Anyhow, I'll read it better tonight during my lunch.


Well-Known Member
I just recieved a teamsters mailing. A three page "summary" of the tentative agreement. It was exremely disturbing how they only highlighted some issues that were slightly improved. They very strategically left out any and all info describing the concessions. It was a very obvious attempt to decieve us by not giving the whole big picture, It resembles a used car salesman trying to sell me a lemon by only telling me the good parts, and conceiling the other parts. They should be laying out both the good and bad info together, so we members can make an informed educated decision on our own. It was nothing better than political propaganda. What has happen to our union? Why are they trying to decieve us?

Just got mine too, and I have only just glanced at it.

My God, they really sacrificed the unborn on this one (it seems). Only four year PC drivers can get over 9.5 protection??? Did I read that right??? Management are going to KILL those poor junior drivers.

​Anyhow, I'll read it better tonight during my lunch.
You didn't read it completely of the 0.5 rules. Also, check your supplement. Here in East NE a PT cover can reduce his progression during the time on road when he goes FT.


Well-Known Member
My agenda that everyone gets informed of the facts of this TA. How evil I am.
And aren't we all members of the teamsters because we pay dues?
Who says that I don't have a choice?

Exactly how I feel. Inform everyone. No one is saying switch to a different Union, or whatever. There are a few people who are so blindly following the IBT, It to me appears they work for UPS. Trying to shove this weak contract down our throat. Calling us names and trying to fight people? Sounds like a mob boss to me. Pay your dues, don't ask questions, or you get cement shoes.
Don't try to use the Economy as a blind shield. UPS has had RECORD PROFITS in this Bad economy. They say the economy is on the upswing, so I would even expect even More Record Profits for UPS.

This is a Huge Slap in the face, and if voted in good luck keeping members. I know I will need my Dues to help cover expenses.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Yes. And,hopefully splits in the next few bucks. They couldn't give us some stock either.. they can't share with the common man. The ones who make it for them