Crash the Tea Party


No the Father is a typical example of the Tea Party faction,

The father is typical of the guy the liberal reporters present as a tea partier.

spewing his embedded talking points to the reporter and then getting upset when questioned. Many in the crowd were yelling angrily at the top of their lungs which in turn prompted the reporter to say this is certainly not a family event....

the same reporter that purposely sought out the fringe elements to present. roflmao you are soooooooooooooooooo gullible.

So what's your definition of being bright ? One who worships Reagan ?

anyone smarte then you.....oops thats the whole're right i have to come up with a better defintiion....roflamo

One who supports the Birthers ?

Hey diesel can you get the woman that forged obamas birth certificate to forge me a winning lottery ticket. I'm ready to retire.

One who thinks Obama was born in Kenya ?

now diesel no need to beat up on Obamas grandmother and wife over this issue.

One who thinks Obama is a Muslim ?

definitely not a true muslim would not lie as much as Obama does.

Anyone who didn't go to Harvard ?

not sure diesel obama had his college records sealed to. ROFLMAO THANKS FOR SERVING THAT ONE UP BRO


scratch went to a rally . why don't you tell him what you think about tea partiers. Ooops you already did . Nice shot.


Well-Known Member
Hannity calls tea party GOPers “Tim McVeigh wannabees” — and the dumb-asses in the audience cheer!.....These are your bright people on the same plane as Tie, Baba, and Lue...

When will one of you smart, gullible, Tea Partying Fox News loving guys address the issue of foreign policy spending, survelance, and Corperate welfare ? Seems like all your keen on is attacking Canadians.....


Strength through joy
here's a topic only you can answer................
Sunday, April 11, 2010, 6:51 PM
Jim Hoft
This makes sense.
With unemployment hovering around 10% and no relief in sight, Barack Obama issued over 1 million green cards last year.
The Examiner reported:
The Department of Homeland Security has just reported that during 2009, they issued 1,130,818 new Green Cards to foreign nationals, allowing them to work legally in this country. That number represents the fourth highest number of cards issued in one year.
750,000 of the new Green Cards were given to the families of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents.
The top four recipient nations are as follows:
-China…receiving 64,238
In Feb. 2009, the financial institution Merrill Lynch announced that the nation’s actual unemployment rate had reached 13.9 percent. A year later, that number had risen to 17.3 percent. This figure represents Americans who have been laid off from full-time positions and are now working part-time, as well as those who have simply stopped looking for work, and workers whose unemployment benefits have run out.
The official unemployment figure given monthly by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is now listed around 10 percent, but represents only those Americans currently receiving unemployment checks, and is not truly indicative of the dire employment situation now facing the U.S.


Strength through joy
This is an open memo to the media attending the TEA Party event this week in Boston with Sarah Palin. If you see really stupid signs, it's just our progressive friends trying to paint the TEA Party movement as anything but normal Americans fed up with government intervention in their lives. The previous link will bring you to Blue Mass Group where they are planning to "infiltrate" the Tea Party with fake signs to make the TEA Partiers look crazy. Here are some of the signs to look out for.
Obama Wants Us To Wear
Silly Hats!
I'm Hopey, Changey, Dopey, Derangey
Free To Be NUTZ!
Workers Unite To Stop Alien Earth Conquest!
I'm Coo-Coo for HealthCare
I Obey the Chip in My Head!
Glenn Beck for Pope!
I'm Angry 'Cuz My Taxes Went Down!
Keep Your Government Hands Off My Government-Run Medicare!
This Rally Brought To You Ho Chi Stalin Hitler!
Ann "The Man" Coulter Teabagged Me!
Libertry for Sheep!
Big Government NO! - Big Turtles - YES!
Glenn Beck for Supreme Donut King!
I Forgot What I'm Angry About!
Stupid Is The New Smart!
Glenn Beck Says: "Aliens Are Stealing Our Underpants!"
Pass Gay Marriage So I Can Marry My Dog
I'll Have What Rush Is Having
Don't Violate My Constipational Rights
I'd Rather Have My Baby Die of A Curable Disease Than Be Called A Socialist !
Hey! Where's All the Black Folks At!
END OF THE RAINBOW COALITION (with pot of gold graphic)



Well-Known Member
When it comes to the Tea Party movement and claims of all kinds of mis-deeds among it's members, I take special note of Cointelpro when it comes to any populist, mass uprising if you will. Counter intelligence, especially covert counter intelligence has been a mainstay of not only our gov't but most all govt's in some form or fashion since man first organized into civil societies. Nero blaming christians for burning Rome was not the first nor last time a false flag operation was used to steer public thought, shift blame and ultimately to set public policy to serve gov't interests to it's own ends.

My favorite "false flag" that grew to still persist to this day is the use of the little green men from space by our gov't as a coverstory in testing advanced aircraft back during the coldwar era. Even 1950's Hollywood got into the act with it's "B" Sci-fi films which planted the idea in a mass audience. Not only brilliant but so successful to actually create a cottage industry that without we might not have the great Star Wars and Star Trek franchises. Proves the truth of "if you build it, they will come!"


Well-Known Member
Hannity calls tea party GOPers “Tim McVeigh wannabees” — and the dumb-asses in the audience cheer!.....These are your bright people on the same plane as Tie, Baba, and Lue...

When will one of you smart, gullible, Tea Partying Fox News loving guys address the issue of foreign policy spending, survelance, and Corperate welfare ? Seems like all your keen on is attacking Canadians.....

Yep he was mocking people like you. You guys in my opinion are gonna be surprised if you really think the majority of Americans want higher taxes and more government intrusion in their lives. The more you call average middle class Americans dumb-asses and racist the more determined it makes them. The really funny part is that without the hardcore left and your constant false charges of racism and stupidity this movement likely would have been a tax day only event. And so it goes..... Oh by the way thanks.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Yep he was mocking people like you. You guys in my opinion are gonna be surprised if you really think the majority of Americans want higher taxes and more government intrusion in their lives. The more you call average middle class Americans dumb-asses and racist the more determined it makes them. The really funny part is that without the hardcore left and your constant false charges of racism and stupidity this movement likely would have been a tax day only event. And so it goes..... Oh by the way thanks.

+1. I hope the leftys and the Messiah keep spewing the lies and racist just makes the Tea Party stronger come November and in 2012. When the Messiah crys about Rush and Beck it shows that its getting to his precious ego and his arrogance shines bright. I hope he makes another comment about Americans clinging to their guns and bibles...that one was great. :thumbsup:


Strength through joy
Here's what important in Mass.;
Blue Mass Group.........
Special Election Open Thread - Predictions

When Voting on Tuesday, Let's Vote for our Communities

My Notes From State Senate Candidates Forum

Remind me why the Herald is still publishing Howie Carr

Health insurers lose first round. Deval's winning streak marches on.

A Bad Gamble for Massachusetts

Scott Brown Runs Away From Palin and Tea Party

We Have A Simple Plan to Counter Protest Sarah Palin

Red Mass Group................
POLL: Casinos in Massachusetts

Have the "counter"-"classy" Tea Party protesters obtained all permits to serve food?

The Ballot Question Limbo

Sorry but Scott Brown has to work on Wednesday

RMG Convention Plan
Patrick's attack on insurance companies hides true costs

Congressman Frank still seeking re-election


Strength through joy
Look for me tomorrow at The Boston Common Tea Party Event.
I will be carrying the sign that says ," Everyone here is nutz, except thee ".


Well-Known Member
Seems CodePink is going to the Tea Party rally tomorrow, not to disrupt but to discuss possible common ground. Interesting!

The article ends with a single but important and equally interesting question that I think is the Single Party State's worse nightmare.

Who knows what kind of potent brew could emerge when folks on the left and the right--both alienated by a two-party system that doesn't meet our needs--sit down for tea?



Well-Known Member
Seems CodePink is going to the Tea Party rally tomorrow, not to disrupt but to discuss possible common ground. Interesting!

The article ends with a single but important and equally interesting question that I think is the Single Party State's worse nightmare.


more racists attending the rally.:happy-very: