Crash the Tea Party


Nine Lives


Strength through joy
Infiltrator: Teacher blogging from school?

Tea-party 'crasher' accused of plotting against movement on taxpayer-funded time

Posted: April 14, 2010
12:25 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling © 2010 WorldNetDaily

Jason Levin

The man who threatened to crash tea parties with protesters wearing Nazi uniforms, carrying misspelled signs and making wild claims on TV, is an Oregon middle-school teacher who may have been working on his tea-party infiltration effort during school time, according to reports.
Some tea partiers claim Jason Levin, a teacher at Conestoga Middle School in Beaverton, Ore., has been working on his "Crash the Tea Party" website when he should have been teaching, according to Portland's KATU-TV.
....reported one post by an administrator of Crash the Tea Party identified as Mad Hatter encouraged tea-party crashers to collect Social Security numbers from protesters at the rallies: "[A]sk people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name, address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mines from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!"

"This is a man who thinks it's legitimate to further your political goals by lying, by stealing and damaging somebody else's reputation," Larson said. "I don't want a kid like that teaching kids."

Time to drop a dime on this fool....


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
whats that? Diesel believing these nuts trying to discredit the tea parties?

Chew on this tidbit Tie, 44% of your gullible Tea-Jhadist friends believe their income taxes went up......the truth hurts though, for 95% of them, it went down.....I think you need new friends.....I'd rather mis-spell words from time to time than be mis-informed.....


Chew on this tidbit Tie, 44% of your gullible Tea-Jhadist friends believe their income taxes went up......the truth hurts though, for 95% of them, it went down.....I think you need new friends.....I'd rather mis-spell words from time to time than be mis-informed.....

those same jihadists are also supporting democratic candidate walt minnick. You do realize being informed requires you actually do so rather then give the concept lip service?


Staff member
The Tea Partiers: Older, richer and more resentful

We're learning more about the people who are a part of the Tea Party movement -- and what's really motivating them

By David Jarman

Slowly but surely, a demographic profile of the Tea Party movement – which began just over a year ago and is now dominating the news as Tax Day arrives – is emerging.
A comprehensive poll conducted for the New York Times and CBS News and released late Monday CBS News/New York Times essentially found what anyone watching a couple minutes of news footage of a rally would intuit: the 18 percent of the nation that identifies with the Tea Party movement tends to be white, male, older than 45 and Republican. And also hypocritical: despite their anti-spending rhetoric, Tea Party supporters told pollsters that two of the federal government’s most money-consuming programs, Social Security and Medicare, are worth the cost to taxpayers (maybe not a surprise, given the Tea Partiers’ average age).
Interestingly, despite the frequent framing of the Tea Partiers as a predominantly blue-collar, the NYT poll also found that they are wealthier and better-educated than the public as a whole. And half of them think the Obama administration’s policies favor the poor.
If you stopped there, you might think this is largely a class-based movement, built on the principle of “I got mine.” But there’s more to it than that: 25 percent of the movement’s supporters think that the administration favors blacks over whites (compared with 11 percent of the general public).
This point is reinforced by a study released last week by the University of Washington, which discovered that people who think that “the U.S. government has done too much to support blacks” were 36 percent more likely to support the Tea Party than those who didn’t think so. Among whites who approve of the Tea Party, only 35 percent said they believe blacks are hard-working, only 45 percent believe blacks are intelligent, and just 41 percent believe that they’re trustworthy. (Curiously, the UW poll was only conducted in seven battleground states.)
While the Tea Partiers take pains to avoid appearing racist, they’re still operating at the nexus of class and race. This seems to have reached a head with healthcare reform. The UW survey’s director, Christopher Parker, summed it up this way: “While it's clear that the Tea Party in one sense is about limited government, it's also clear from the data that people who want limited government don't want certain services for certain kinds of people. Those services include health care.”
The UW survey shows Tea Partiers’ concerns with federal government spending are bound up with fears of having to share “their” benefits with people who aren’t deserving – and who also happen to be non-white.

- By David Jarman


interesting how different sources spin the same story. There is cbs new's version which has similar information but seems to spin it in a less negative fashion as your source.


Staff member
Why would anyone spend time crashing tea party event when there's good, wholesome, porn to peruse?Honestly, the way people waste their time these days!


Strength through joy
Steve Gillis, vice president of the Steelworkers Local 8751, recounted his participation in an anti-tea party protest that interrupted Palin's speech yesterday.
He described his protest group of mostly Haitian-origin union workers as "anti-racists," fighting "the racist forces" and "corporate sponsored tea party."
wrote Gillis in an account published on the socialist Workers World website.
Gillis, however, described interrupting what he called Palin's "vicious anti-immigrant speech" by having protesters yell, "Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Palin/Tea Party go away!"
He claimed his group fended off "punches, kicks, body blocks and other violence."

However, no video has come forth to back his claims.


Strength through joy
Oregon Teacher Panel Probes Educator Determined to 'Demolish' Tea Party

By Jana Winter

A middle school teacher in Oregon who announced his intention "to dismantle and demolish the Tea Party
" on his "Crash the Tea Party" Web site is under investigation by his state's Teacher Standards & Practices Commission.
In a now deleted post on his “Crash the Tea Party” Web site, Levin called on his supporters to collect the Social Security numbers — among other personal identifying information — about as many Tea Party supporters as possible at the numerous rallies scheduled to take place on Thursday – Tax Day.
“Some other thoughts are to ask people at the rally to sign a petition renouncing socialism. See just how much info you can get from these folks (name address, DOB, Social Security #). The more data we can mine from the Tea Partiers, the more mayhem we can cause with it!!!!” he wrote.
The state agency is investigating whether this is a hint at identity theft, and whether it is appropriate behavior for a public school teacher. It also will investigate charges that Levin used school computers during school hours to work on his Web site. Levin works at Conestoga Middle School's media lab and teaches 6th, 7th and 8th graders about computers and technology.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Ok, this thread is going into the gutter...LOL.

Obama (the clueless one) was at a Democratic fund raiser today and said this:

"I've been a little amused over the last couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes," the president said, noting the numerous tax cuts pushed by his administration. "You would think they'd be saying thank you."

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaawaaaaawaaaa!!!!!!:sad-very: They dont like me and it hurts my feelings. Waaaaeaaaawaaaweaaaaeeeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!:sad-very:


Well-Known Member
Ok, this thread is going into the gutter...LOL.

Obama (the clueless one) was at a Democratic fund raiser today and said this:

"I've been a little amused over the last couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes," the president said, noting the numerous tax cuts pushed by his administration. "You would think they'd be saying thank you."

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaawaaaaawaaaa!!!!!!:sad-very: They dont like me and it hurts my feelings. Waaaaeaaaawaaaweaaaaeeeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!:sad-very:

Hey Mr Kool-Aid....You want answers ?
