Dayton Ohio Shooting


Well-Known Member
These dumbbutt LibTurds think they are the same thing!
They change language and long held definitions to fit their needs then propagandize to herd weak minded useful idiots.

I believe in nationalism, I want my country to be the best, the greatest beacon of freedom and opportunity on this planet.

It's obvious no people (nation) is pure or harmless, my hope is we would be the purest and least harmful.

I suppose they can label me a black nationalist.

You're good at it, I'm ignorant as how to do it and don't feel the need at my age to learn, would you make me an avatar with a raised black power fist in one hand and an American flag in the the other raised fist. Please put Black Nationalist on the bottom for the name plate.

This crap is getting very tiresome.

edit: Will you make two, the other with two flags, the current and the Betsy Ross original?
Thanks in advance Old Man, best to you :thumbup1:.
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Well-Known Member
Exactly, in your own words, What is a white nationalist, exactly, your own words.

What is one, when do I know one when I see one?

Exactly, your own words.
I don't ask for the stuff you have been spoon fed.

Your words....... exactly.
A White Nationalist believes to be better than minorities and advocates forced segregation.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
What is one, when do I know one when I see one?
They have funny haircuts, like to march with tiki torches and chant, "you will not replace us!"

When they get butthurt, they drive their rented cars into crowds.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Y’all believe trump complimented white nationalists. Lol the media has really done a number on y’all mental midgets. Smh.
Trump said "good people on both sides" which means............drum roll please, a compliment to white nationalists.

Hope this helps.
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