Disgusted Union Members = Trump Vs. Hillary

10 point

Well-Known Member
Yeah.. The fbi.... Female (intern) Body Inspector... Bill will Be sucking on those young breasts behind Hillary back...wait and see

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Logic says you're trading one New York liberal for another. Trump's history speaks for itself. Throw your vote away on him if you want, the republican party is a joke at this point anyways. The difference between the two major parties is mostly rhetoric.

Trump is Conservative compared to Hillary. The latter of which is getting YOUR de facto vote. LOL! See....I've been telling you that you're a liberal. LOL


Well-Known Member
At this point you are helping Hillary if you vote for him. It's too late for a third party candidate. It's really simple to understand but you refuse to or are incapable.

I realize that in some states it's almost impossible to win as a Republican or vice versa. You've got me there. But for the rest, particulary states that could go either way, being realistic dictates that AT THIS POINT it's too late for a third party candidate. Meaning...... they'll just take votes from one of the two main candidates and the result will be just like when Clinton was reelected. Someone will win with 43% of the vote. LOL. And then those responsible will bitch about Hillary for four years.

I'm not against voting for a third party candidate. But won't at this point in the game. I might as well be hitting the button for Hillary. Or just stay home.

Your argument would have more merit if all of the polls didn't show Gary Johnson pulling votes equally from Hillary and Donald. Regardless, both are ego-driven scum who are only interested in themselves and whose stated goals would further diminish the country. I will vote my conscience in the race of Hitler V. Mussolini and vote for Churchill (Gary Johnson.)

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Your argument would have more merit if all of the polls didn't show Gary Johnson pulling votes equally from Hillary and Donald. Regardless, both are ego-driven scum who are only interested in themselves and whose stated goals would further diminish the country. I will vote my conscience in the race of Hitler V. Mussolini and vote for Churchill (Gary Johnson.)

If the polls are showing that he is pulling votes away equally then my argument has plenty of Merritt. That means Hillary will likely win because she is currently leading in most polls. So again.....a vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

Truth is, you'd vote for anyone with an (R) beside their name, even if it's a silver spoon billionaire New York liberal.

Yes, I, unlike you, have no problem admitting that I'd likely vote for the person with the (R) next to their name 90 something percent of the time. You can't even admit that you are a liberal. LOL!

And your idiotic jealous comment about a silver spoon just proves how liberal you actually are. And you think Trump is still a liberal? HA! People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote. You have absolutely nooooo idea what's going on.

Oh by the way....one of the best Presidents we've ever had was a former liberal turned republican. But don't worry. Your Hillary will likely win. And you will be a part of it whether you'll admit to it or not.


Inordinately Right
If the polls are showing that he is pulling votes away equally then my argument has plenty of Merritt. That means Hillary will likely win because she is currently leading in most polls. So again.....a vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

Yes, I, unlike you, have no problem admitting that I'd likely vote for the person with the (R) next to their name 90 something percent of the time. You can't even admit that you are a liberal. LOL!

And your idiotic jealous comment about a silver spoon just proves how liberal you actually are. And you think Trump is still a liberal? HA! People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote. You have absolutely nooooo idea what's going on.

Oh by the way....one of the best Presidents we've ever had was a former liberal turned republican. But don't worry. Your Hillary will likely win. And you will be a part of it whether you'll admit to it or not.
Rah Rah Rah! Go team!


Well-Known Member
It really is "the least that we can do" for ALL of our veterans?

Honestly, why not?

My worst "injury" while on active duty occurred when I sliced open my finger while assembling a metal filing cabinet.

I received adequate medical and dental care while I served and an exit physical before I separated. I never expected nor would have I considered having this health coverage extended beyond that point.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Trump is done, he going off the rails. He seems very unstable

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Maybe he should start mishandling classified emails and then commit perjury? Then recalibrate his whole platform to revolve around pretending to care about minorities, giving away "free stuff, and calling his opponents racists? Seems to work for Hillary. I would add "through incompetence assist in getting Americans killed." but already lost enough as a result of Hillary's incompetence.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
As a vet I thank you for your kind words but respectfully disagree with the portion of your post that I quoted above.

I spent 8 years on active duty and was never stationed anywhere near any front lines. Should I have all of my non-military related medical needs 100% paid for?
Being a veteran and being prior service are two different things.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
A veteran served during war time in a war zone. Prior service is anyone who served in uniform.
The best way to look at it is this way......a veteran, in general, is anynone that served in one or more of the various components of the military (including guard/reserves) and were given a DD214 (or equivalent). There are minimum time served commitments depending on when someone joined but that is waved if a service related injury (that keeps them from continuing to serve) occurs before that time has elapsed.

"Prior service" has different meanings depending on what service is being discussed but, in general, means anyone that has served in the military, separated under the conditions above, and is attempting to return.