Do you believe God loves you?


Binge Poster
Why is it mystery and "unexplainable"?

I've never gotten past that never made sense when I was a kid and sure doesn't make sense now.
Not sure why.

But it was the awe and wonder if the infinite that attracted me to ponder God when I was a kid. Still does.

I am now in awe and wonder of an infinite love. God.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Not sure why.

But it was the awe and wonder if the infinite that attracted me to ponder God when I was a kid. Still does.

I am now in awe and wonder of an infinite love. God.
Well, even as a kid till now....

Matter of fact, we have a member of our family(by marriage) that is actually a Theological Professor(TCU)(retired).

Have had many discussions of "religion" with him......

The one thing I believe: If you find someone who purports to know the answer...keep looking.

Sitting in church rubbing beads ain't it. Or raping kids in the Congo in the name of Allah isn't either.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I have no idea.

Nice choice of words.
In a thread that has nothing to do with whether or not one believes in God, here they are with "INVISIBLE SKY DADDY? HA! I DON'T BELIEVE IN SUCH FAIRYTALE NONSENSE." They're like vegans. They have to make sure everybody knows.



B.C. boohoo buster.
If "god" loved me he wouldn't have taken my Son at 28 years old-my Mother at 52 years old - my Brother at 64 years old and my Dad at 70.
Why are you blaming God? You can't support personal responsibility then relinquish it when a person tragedy occurs. God's will is a mystery because we cannot see beyond our own sphere of influence and experiences. God has trillions of parts in motion at any given time most of which have no idea as to their importances is his grand plan.


B.C. boohoo buster.
If you don't believe in a higher consciousness then this George Harrison song might change your mind. Why, because his friends and fellow musicians choose this song to be the signature song in a tribute to him. A star studded performance.

The first time I heard this song was on a portable Am radio I stole from a store when I was 8 years old (1970) while I was taking my daily shortcut through West St. graveyard to get to and from school.



Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
If "god" loved me he wouldn't have taken my Son at 28 years old-my Mother at 52 years old - my Brother at 64 years old and my Dad at 70.
When something good happens it’s his will, when a tragedy strikes it’s “he works in mysterious ways”. The devil in End of Days

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I do.

I believe man is a God made created being construct if you will.

Maybe the word God or the name is man made but I believe the being whom is understood as God by many is the Creator Being who is creator of all and the source of all life.

I believe in this being and I believe he loves you.
I mean, whoever doesn’t believe in god would have to explain how the universe and man came about…. I wish you the best of luck!

Non liberal

Well-Known Member

“Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!”

George Carlin
And yet if you don’t believe in god you believe that everything came from “nothing” that we are descendants from fish! Every piece of matter in the universe came from absolutely zero matter. Do you see the impossibility yet? Yes, it is hard to believe god exists. Yet, the only other possibility is even harder to believe. At least with god you have an instruction manual going back thousands of years with witnesses.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
If "god" loved me he wouldn't have taken my Son at 28 years old-my Mother at 52 years old - my Brother at 64 years old and my Dad at 70.
I’m sorry to hear about your losses rod. And I understand how you can feel that way. Just know that if your a believer in god, you don’t think that earth is the last stop. There’s more to life then just turning out the lights at the end. My opinion is it didn’t just begin and it doesn’t just end. You believe in god and you just might see your loved ones again.