Do you have any respect for drivers who never worked on the inside?



This is a PT job not meant to be a career.

You call it a PT job and for some that's exactly what it is.

Because you are an outside hire, you are blind to the fact that for thousands of others it is the only pathway to a FT driving job with ups. There is no other way!

In my case it was 12 years.


Pineapple King
I think,every driver should have to spend a day or two on preload.

Every preloader should have to spend,a day or two with a driver.

This might solve some of the problems.
I was hired off the street and spent my first summer bumped off driving due to summer cuts and spent plenty of time on preload and reload.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
I started off with this company in 1976 as an unloader/porter. I unloaded trailers in a sort and load center for about 3 hours, then after the drivers left, I swept floors, emptied garbage cans and cleaned commodes to get my 5 hrs/day. Did it for 14 months, 2 peaks. Signed for a package car job and got it. There were only 3 part-timers in this building, and the other 2 were in the middle of classes at college. Drove pkg for 9 years, went into feeders in 1987. Retired this year. We only had 1 street hire in feeders in my time there. I sweated my :censored2: off for 10.5 years, and this guy walks in and gets a feeder job? All gravy for him. And yeah I had a problem with that. A majority of the other drivers did as well. Most of them shunned him. We spoke if something needed to be said, but I didn't go out of my way. And yeah, Dragon, I wasn't crazy about a new supervisor who just went thru DTS in Chicago for 3 weeks, who never drove a tractor for a living, tell me I need to do this, and this, oh, you're doing this wrong.

I love the way they say their 3 weeks in Chicago translates into 9 years driving experience. That got a belly laugh out of me.

"Did you drive in the snow or ice of Chicago?"

"No, it was in the summer."

"Did you drive at night?"


"Ever have a blowout on a busy highway?"


"Ever see or have a deer bolt in front of you at highway speeds?"


"Did you ever have a drunk driver swerving around you on the road?"

"Nope, not in my three weeks of school."

"Nine years of experience, huh?"

"Absolutely, now here's what you're doing wrong."