Donald Trump 2, The Left 0


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I find it amusing someone disgusts you.
If we are talking about verified "rape" babies, I have to conclude the woman was a virgin at the time, when this penetration occurred and was the only possible chance to produce a growing life. Is that correct, Sir?
You did not just say something this impossibly dumb...yet here I am reading it in print. Wow


Well-Known Member
You did not just say something this impossibly dumb...yet here I am reading it in print. Wow
You sir should learn how to follow a timeline then. Here's the point. The claim is rape, it can't be shown that she had intercourse previously with in a time frame. Got that smart guy, or the rape claim is gone. How dumb is that. I'll take a reprimand and go right back to work. Bring it.


Well-Known Member
But he won't be paying in taxes to help pay for the care of unwanted kids because he's now in a foreign county and paying his taxes to it.
Oh sure we hear all about adopting unwanted kids but in the depressed rural area in which I live social service agencies are running radio and TV ads on an almost daily basis begging and I do mean people to take in foster kids because they're getting overrun by them.
Yet every time I hear a person cocking off about overturning Roe vs Wade I ask them if they would be willing to support an income tax surcharge or a sales tax surcharge to be used exclusively to care for the avalanche of unwanted kids?......Shut's them up every time. Yep as long as it's someone else who has to foot the bill for the explosion in the costs CYS programs.
Again, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how things work. American citizens are required to pay their American taxes on all income earned in the U.S. no matter where they live. And on income earned overseas above a pretty generous allowance. There no escaping U.S. taxes short of hiding money.