Drivers Forced To Work Undermanned Reload/Twilight



I really dont think that someone speeding (breaking state laws) and crashing into a minvan filled with people is in the same classification as someone who does not want to work a second shift after putting in a 10 hour day already.Everything in this thread is about being forced to work another shift and not following directions.


480: the questions I would have is how many PTers are out on comp and disability, and how is the absenteeism on your sort?

I think management can force the low seniority drivers to work reload or preload per the contract. It has been that way for as long as I can remember.


The true answer is that someone refusing to work as instructed can be discharged. Obviously any sup or mgr worth their salt would not want to generate a discharge case for forcing someone into extra work.


Vette: I refer you to local804s response, which echoes my thoughts. How you can compare causing a death and not wanting to work a second shift is beyond me (or at least beyond the topic of discussion in this thread).


I believe Proups is right. UPS has to offer the work to the highest seniority driver first and if all drivers dont choose to work then UPS can force in reverse seniority order.


You also have to look at each state's labor law. In some states you can not be forced to do over time. (In this case more then they have already done).
The driver may be written up for not working as directed but I really don't think it would get very far.

480, you alos have to take into considersation the possibilty that the preload may have had problems and the driver had to load his/her own truck for an hour. The means that your day is already made longer because of this failure. When does it became the driver responsibility to cover all job descriptions? Sorry to say you can't help the driver's when we need help.

Just think about it.

(Message edited by trouble1903 on September 07, 2003)

(Message edited by trouble1903 on September 07, 2003)


Finally...some usefull thoughts and insight on the question instead of flamming attitudes and insults. Yeah it would make since that higher seniority drivers would be "offered" the extra work first. It's usually the lowest that ends up staying over an hour though. I know all this is in the contract somewhere but where is the question. Someone asked about retention....we have one person out on work comp and lately have had lots of call ins and etc. H.R. has us low on the pole for centers that needs new hires. The hub comes first ALWAYS.


Finally...some usefull thoughts and insight on the question instead of flamming attitudes and insults.

You mean insults like these?
Only an would make a insult based on a simple dissagreement about working over.

Maybe you should work over on reload away form your kid with the hopes that your kids don't turn out like you.

Or flaming attitudes like this?
In my opionion....the ones that refuse should be written up for "insubordination".

I just luagh at the ones that whine and complain


in the center that I came from, drivers work the preload and load their own trucks. as a low seniority swing driver I unloaded four trailers every morning before going out on route.

the overtime is nice, but unloading them trailers first thing in the morning and then going out on some of the worst routes in the center left a lot to be desired.



My comments refered to YOUR statement "No real Teamster would want to see his brother written up for ANYTHING".

You are the one who believes a Teamster can do no wrong. I was pointing out there ARE instances where your brother Teamster IS in the wrong and deserving of being written up.


This is kinda off track from this thread subject matter but upslocal480 brought up the manning issue in relation to the bigger hubs getting first dibs on new hires. Before the economic downturn turnover for a variety of reasons was a problem but over the last couple of years the situation seemed to stablize. In the last couple of months even in our location it has seemed to rear up again. I know this time of year with school starting back and kids going to college elsewhere or even graduating can have a huge impact but I also wonder if an improving economy is accelerating this problem again? I know the economy isn't clicking on all cylinders yet but it has improved. What are you guys seeing elsewhere?


Deliver man...responding to an insult doesn't make someone an :censored2:. And stating that someone should be punished for breaking a rule isn't a "flamming attititde".

UPS Vette...I totally agree. Right is right and wrong is wrong no matter if someone is a Teamster, a Sup, or whatever their status in their job and their life is. If people are going to pretend to take this "brotherhood" thing so seriously than I'd expect them not do the wrong things that would get them written up and to not screw over their brothers and leaving them hanging when they need help. I remember comming to work one day a few years ago and only 15 people on a 32 list roster had shown up. I made the comment that those people in the group that miss frequently should be written up and a women told me that they shouldn't because they are our "sisters and brothers" and that since they were such that we should pick up the slack from their absences. Well I don't mind doing that and someone has to do the work but helping people that take advantage of you is frustrating...although is the right thing to do. If people honestly believe they should stick together than why would they screw them over. Teamster or not...wrong is wrong.


Lifer...The old timers here always say that they had to do all the loading and unloading themselves as well as delivering and that it was much, much harder but that it was actually better that way overall because when they unloaded their own trucks it made it easier to deliver later. What do you think about that?


"You are the one who believes a Teamster can do no wrong"

Hmmmm, Cant find where I said that. Oh, I get it, vette, YOU just made that up! Typical management response. Now your confusing "doing no wrong" with a Teamster not wanting another Teamster written up.
There are instances where your management brothers are in the wrong and deserve to be written up too.....but that sort of thing just gets swept under the carpet, doesnt it?




You've been draged behing the Teamsters horse and wagon so long you lost all sence of right and wrong.


Sense of right and wrong?
Like the PT sup who stole a drivers car while on drugs? His punishment? Promoted to FT sup.
Like the ctr mngr caught having sex in his office with a loader? His punishment? Transfer.
Like the FT sup charged with sexual harrasment of a female driver? UPS told us they fired him, but a feeder driver found him working in another building.
All examples in ONE hub. We all know which side has lost all "sence" of right and wrong.


Those are all good examples and I've heard of similar things happening all over the place. It amazes me that supervision would do these things BUT at the same time there are lots of things done on the union side of the job that make me sick as well. Rehiring theaves....rescending the write ups of people that miss so much work they barely have enough reports to keep their benefits and vacation time....embezzling money.....firing guns at people that worked during the strike....harrassing workers and sups during the strike....well, much like the list of wrong doings of management, the list could go on and on. It's almost like one side does these things just in spite of the other getting away with their wrong doings. It's crazy.


Why in Gods name are you blowing his post way out of porportion.Let it go....


And btw,480 if you hate the union so much,instead of badgering them, why dont you just call the union and resign from their membership.Just think, you wont have to pay any more union dues and you dont have to deal with pondscum.You could try changing your name to tiegirl2 or something to that affect.


Local804....Exactly where did I say I have a problem with the union? Oh....NO WHERE! Are you fabricating such a commment by me because I pointed out wrong doings by Teamsters? Well you should have also picked up on the fact that I aknowledged the fact that both groups (management and hourly/Teamsters) are guilty of wrong doings. I don't know where you come up with the perception that I am anti-union. And I did almost get out of the union before because I needed the money but instead decided to find another day job with more hours. personal opinion on the union or even management doesn't affect what was being discussed in previous posts so I don't know why it was questioned or I guess I should say....why was was my opinion spoken for me? And how could you tell someone to let it go then immediately follow up with insults and puting words in their mouth? Actually...that's a retorical question so I'll end this with one last comment that no one in there right mind could argue with and then we'll just let it go right there......NO GROUP (Sups AND Hourly) is perfect.