
From the promised LAND
like it :)

seriously, we are trending this direction - soon will will be able to tell customers what time to expect their package. yeah, telematics and EDD have everything to do with it. It is surely in a test phase right now.

it's going to be a game changer.

What, another sales gimick? Another promise to the customer that we intend to not keep when it interferes with making a few cents more?

Of course you are giddy about the potential. Just words to get the customer to sign on the line.



UPS Defender

What, another sales gimick? Another promise to the customer that we intend to not keep when it interferes with making a few cents more?

Of course you are giddy about the potential. Just words to get the customer to sign on the line.


i don't sell gimicks, that is fedex.

what is your point? scared of change? scared you might be replaceable one day? c'mon i wont tell anyone. you can PM me if you really need to.


From the promised LAND
i do appolgize, but I am sick of being followed around by a negative dannyboy.
Im not negative, just posting what I see everyday. Sorry you want to live in a dream world, but those of us in reality know how it is.

he really brings out the worst in some people.
Nah, just you.........but then again you were doing quite well on your own.




Well-Known Member
i do appolgize, but I am sick of being followed around by a negative dannyboy. he really brings out the worst in some people.
I have to admit I like to push your buttons, but more in jest than anything (I still dont agree with your team crap though).... maybe it will help you if you can keep in mind that a lot of us come on here to let off negative steam.... it's not all bad attitude


UPS Defender
I have to admit I like to push your buttons, but more in jest than anything (I still dont agree with your team crap though).... maybe it will help you if you can keep in mind that a lot of us come on here to let off negative steam.... it's not all bad attitude

i don't mind having my buttons pushed....but I do mind being insulted.

All Day

Well-Known Member
i like it :)

seriously, we are trending this direction - soon will will be able to tell customers what time to expect their package. yeah, telematics and EDD have everything to do with it. It is surely in a test phase right now.

it's going to be a game changer.

So what would be the ETA for my lunch break on a given day???


From the promised LAND
i don't mind having my buttons pushed....but I do mind being insulted
but you sure dont mind insulting others..........

Those that live in glass houses should refrain from throwing stones?



UPS Defender
but you sure dont mind insulting others..........

Those that live in glass houses should refrain from throwing stones?


you set a great example for everyone on this board. find the guy in a tie and gang up on everything he says. you do it constantly. I've lurked on this board for years and finally got sick of it.


From the promised LAND
You know what I am sick of?

Morons that post on this board with the BS you posted.

Lets go team! You all out there all turn in one new lead, that equals 300,000 new packages a month, we can all get rich. YEah team.

But remember, when all is said and done, you are all overpaid fat scumbags that really didnt have anything to do with that sale, because it was me and only me that could have sold that lead. The rest of you are too common, you only have dealings with the clerk at the back door, you could never know or have access to the actual owner of the business, after all, you are dirty smelly overpaid fat scumbags that really should be paid less. And your probably as under educated as you are over paid.

Yeah, we've heard the go team go from better people than you. And with some, we would actually have a great chance.

But with posters like you that does not give a flying flip about anything but your numbers for the month and quarter, I equate you to the used car salesman. Not someone I can trust.

And you know why? Your posts. Every time you have posted, you have dug the hole of BS deeper. And you wonder why drivers are negative? Its because we have seen your flash in the pan crap before, over and over again. and nothing as changed.

If you want to see real teamwork, then you and management put the customer first again. Quit running off customers because of your short sighted penny savings, when there are dollars to be had. Do that, and I will guarantee you teamwork will actually mean something at UPS again.



Well-Known Member
You know what I am sick of?

Morons that post on this board with the BS you posted.

Lets go team! You all out there all turn in one new lead, that equals 300,000 new packages a month, we can all get rich. YEah team.

But remember, when all is said and done, you are all overpaid fat scumbags that really didnt have anything to do with that sale, because it was me and only me that could have sold that lead. The rest of you are too common, you only have dealings with the clerk at the back door, you could never know or have access to the actual owner of the business, after all, you are dirty smelly overpaid fat scumbags that really should be paid less. And your probably as under educated as you are over paid.

Yeah, we've heard the go team go from better people than you. And with some, we would actually have a great chance.

But with posters like you that does not give a flying flip about anything but your numbers for the month and quarter, I equate you to the used car salesman. Not someone I can trust.

And you know why? Your posts. Every time you have posted, you have dug the hole of BS deeper. And you wonder why drivers are negative? Its because we have seen your flash in the pan crap before, over and over again. and nothing as changed.

If you want to see real teamwork, then you and management put the customer first again. Quit running off customers because of your short sighted penny savings, when there are dollars to be had. Do that, and I will guarantee you teamwork will actually mean something at UPS again.


Hope someone up the food chain is listening...this is happening all over the country.


From the promised LAND

I saw it happening as a driver, I see it happening as a customer.

I think that because we answer to shareholders, we have become penny wise, pound foolish.



You know what I am sick of?

Morons that post on this board with the BS you posted.

Lets go team! You all out there all turn in one new lead, that equals 300,000 new packages a month, we can all get rich. YEah team.

But remember, when all is said and done, you are all overpaid fat scumbags that really didnt have anything to do with that sale, because it was me and only me that could have sold that lead. The rest of you are too common, you only have dealings with the clerk at the back door, you could never know or have access to the actual owner of the business, after all, you are dirty smelly overpaid fat scumbags that really should be paid less. And your probably as under educated as you are over paid.

Yeah, we've heard the go team go from better people than you. And with some, we would actually have a great chance.

But with posters like you that does not give a flying flip about anything but your numbers for the month and quarter, I equate you to the used car salesman. Not someone I can trust.

And you know why? Your posts. Every time you have posted, you have dug the hole of BS deeper. And you wonder why drivers are negative? Its because we have seen your flash in the pan crap before, over and over again. and nothing as changed.

If you want to see real teamwork, then you and management put the customer first again. Quit running off customers because of your short sighted penny savings, when there are dollars to be had. Do that, and I will guarantee you teamwork will actually mean something at UPS again.

Hey Danny, why don't you tell us how you really feel. :wink2:

Back to the original thread topic: We have not heard about this yet. I'm so fragging happy that I have to look forward to yet another unwanted communique from my illustrious leaders. Why do they waste my time? If they already know when I will be in then they shouldn't need to send anything to me. Of course their time frame and what will actually happen are 2 different things. :surprised:

All Day

Well-Known Member
You know what I am sick of?

Morons that post on this board with the BS you posted.

Lets go team! You all out there all turn in one new lead, that equals 300,000 new packages a month, we can all get rich. YEah team.

But remember, when all is said and done, you are all overpaid fat scumbags that really didnt have anything to do with that sale, because it was me and only me that could have sold that lead. The rest of you are too common, you only have dealings with the clerk at the back door, you could never know or have access to the actual owner of the business, after all, you are dirty smelly overpaid fat scumbags that really should be paid less. And your probably as under educated as you are over paid.

Yeah, we've heard the go team go from better people than you. And with some, we would actually have a great chance.

But with posters like you that does not give a flying flip about anything but your numbers for the month and quarter, I equate you to the used car salesman. Not someone I can trust.

And you know why? Your posts. Every time you have posted, you have dug the hole of BS deeper. And you wonder why drivers are negative? Its because we have seen your flash in the pan crap before, over and over again. and nothing as changed.

If you want to see real teamwork, then you and management put the customer first again. Quit running off customers because of your short sighted penny savings, when there are dollars to be had. Do that, and I will guarantee you teamwork will actually mean something at UPS again.
