Feeling underappreciated

Im new to BrownCafe, I have been working at UPS since November 2018 and started as a Driver Helper, then moved into the hub as a unloader on Twilight shift. I worked hard, but I think im suffering from it due to the fact that now I am receiving more hard work every week. While other unloaders even newer then me go home early. I have always been the first in and last out. I havent missed work or been late while they have. I asked before memorial day to leave an hour early to go to a party. I was still the last to leave, due to the fact that we were understaffed because of call outs. I honestly want some slack, I like my supervisor but hes not realizing the unfairness me and 2 other co workers are feeling. When I show up and work hard its so I can leave early, not because i want more work. I wish he'd let me go early and just get the lazy/absent workers to finish the last truck.


New Member
It's only going to get worse. Hard work will not be appreciated in most cases. You'll just get rewarded with more work like you experience.

My best advice is to stop caring as much and slack off because its the only way you're not going to be completely taken advantage of.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
When I show up and work hard its so I can leave early, not because i want more work. I wish he'd let me go early and just get the lazy/absent workers to finish the last truck.

Bad news for you: UPS is in the money making business, and you are the flesh-based machine they use to do it. If you’re working faster and harder than your coworkers, you’re the one your supervisors are going to ride to boost their numbers. If you don’t like it, slow down.


Well-Known Member
Im new to BrownCafe, I have been working at UPS since November 2018 and started as a Driver Helper, then moved into the hub as a unloader on Twilight shift. I worked hard, but I think im suffering from it due to the fact that now I am receiving more hard work every week. While other unloaders even newer then me go home early. I have always been the first in and last out. I havent missed work or been late while they have. I asked before memorial day to leave an hour early to go to a party. I was still the last to leave, due to the fact that we were understaffed because of call outs. I honestly want some slack, I like my supervisor but hes not realizing the unfairness me and 2 other co workers are feeling. When I show up and work hard its so I can leave early, not because i want more work. I wish he'd let me go early and just get the lazy/absent workers to finish the last truck.
I feel for you...I remember my first job too...the :censored2: I had to do in Iraq. Welcome to the working world, you won’t last here.


Well-Known Member
If appreciation is what you seek....UPS isn't the place for you
That's for friggin' sure, and the meager glimpses of appreciation they used to show us have slowly been phased out totally over the years.

Remember the gift cards of increasing worth we used to get for working safe - gone. The barbecues and pizzas and whatnot - gone. Hot soup waiting at the building after working in a blizzard or the below zero windchill days - not too often these days. Maybe once or twice this past winter. Turkeys for the holidays - not in the budget these days. (the record profits apparently just aren't high enough to afford it)

A simple thing like pulling you aside to thank you for a job well done when you're buried in the red but still kill it that day, on a day you save their ass for whatever reason - covering in a different center or going out on the blind perhaps, or for just going above and beyond for them or our customers - I think it's happened maybe 3 times in 17 years, and that could not be an easier thing to do, and it actually does go a long way. I still remember every single time they've done it.

The Driver

I drive.


That's for friggin' sure, and the meager glimpses of appreciation they used to show us have slowly been phased out totally over the years.

Remember the gift cards of increasing worth we used to get for working safe - gone. The barbecues and pizzas and whatnot - gone. Hot soup waiting at the building after working in a blizzard or the below zero windchill days - not too often these days. Maybe once or twice this past winter. Turkeys for the holidays - not in the budget these days. (the record profits apparently just aren't high enough to afford it)

A simple thing like pulling you aside to thank you for a job well done when you're buried in the red but still kill it that day, on a day you save their ass for whatever reason - covering in a different center or going out on the blind perhaps, or for just going above and beyond for them or our customers - I think it's happened maybe 3 times in 17 years, and that could not be an easier thing to do, and it actually does go a long way. I still remember every single time they've done it.

As long as the check clears who gives a :censored2: about their disingenuous cookouts with the cheapest hotdogs on the planet


Well-Known Member
Im new to BrownCafe, I have been working at UPS since November 2018 and started as a Driver Helper, then moved into the hub as a unloader on Twilight shift. I worked hard, but I think im suffering from it due to the fact that now I am receiving more hard work every week. While other unloaders even newer then me go home early. I have always been the first in and last out. I havent missed work or been late while they have. I asked before memorial day to leave an hour early to go to a party. I was still the last to leave, due to the fact that we were understaffed because of call outs. I honestly want some slack, I like my supervisor but hes not realizing the unfairness me and 2 other co workers are feeling. When I show up and work hard its so I can leave early, not because i want more work. I wish he'd let me go early and just get the lazy/absent workers to finish the last truck.

You can always use the seniority card if you have it. Works sometimes in workplace disputes


Well-Known Member
It’s not just UPS. Every company or small job I’ve worked for is the same. They give more work to the ones who work the hardest and go easy on the ones whom they know they can’t get to work harder.

Hang in there. It pays off in the long run.


There's always women at the pool, baby!
A simple thing like pulling you aside to thank you for a job well done when you're buried in the red but still kill it that day, on a day you save their ass for whatever reason - covering in a different center or going out on the blind perhaps, or for just going above and beyond for them or our customers - I think it's happened maybe 3 times in 17 years, and that could not be an easier thing to do, and it actually does go a long way. I still remember every single time they've done it.

And therein lies the great tragedy of management.

Methods Man

Well-Known Member
I used to bust my ass when I first started. Then realized my body wouldn’t take another 25-30 years of it so I started following the methods to a tee. Not to say I became lazy, but definitely safe. Management might not like it, but I just recite what method I’m using when doing it lol. They love that


Well-Known Member
That's for friggin' sure, and the meager glimpses of appreciation they used to show us have slowly been phased out totally over the years.

Remember the gift cards of increasing worth we used to get for working safe - gone. The barbecues and pizzas and whatnot - gone. Hot soup waiting at the building after working in a blizzard or the below zero windchill days - not too often these days. Maybe once or twice this past winter. Turkeys for the holidays - not in the budget these days. (the record profits apparently just aren't high enough to afford it)

A simple thing like pulling you aside to thank you for a job well done when you're buried in the red but still kill it that day, on a day you save their ass for whatever reason - covering in a different center or going out on the blind perhaps, or for just going above and beyond for them or our customers - I think it's happened maybe 3 times in 17 years, and that could not be an easier thing to do, and it actually does go a long way. I still remember every single time they've done it.

Around here drivers get a little more than part timers but feeder gets treated like royalty, BBQs 2 times a week LOL


Well-Known Member
Im new to BrownCafe, I have been working at UPS since November 2018 and started as a Driver Helper, then moved into the hub as a unloader on Twilight shift. I worked hard, but I think im suffering from it due to the fact that now I am receiving more hard work every week. While other unloaders even newer then me go home early. I have always been the first in and last out. I havent missed work or been late while they have. I asked before memorial day to leave an hour early to go to a party. I was still the last to leave, due to the fact that we were understaffed because of call outs. I honestly want some slack, I like my supervisor but hes not realizing the unfairness me and 2 other co workers are feeling. When I show up and work hard its so I can leave early, not because i want more work. I wish he'd let me go early and just get the lazy/absent workers to finish the last truck.

They play me too,I've learned that if I just do what they say and don't complain or say anything about it they'll pretty much leave me alone and let me work and do my thing

Fuzzy Brown

Well-Known Member
Im new to BrownCafe, I have been working at UPS since November 2018 and started as a Driver Helper, then moved into the hub as a unloader on Twilight shift. I worked hard, but I think im suffering from it due to the fact that now I am receiving more hard work every week. While other unloaders even newer then me go home early. I have always been the first in and last out. I havent missed work or been late while they have. I asked before memorial day to leave an hour early to go to a party. I was still the last to leave, due to the fact that we were understaffed because of call outs. I honestly want some slack, I like my supervisor but hes not realizing the unfairness me and 2 other co workers are feeling. When I show up and work hard its so I can leave early, not because i want more work. I wish he'd let me go early and just get the lazy/absent workers to finish the last truck.
If you have something to do don’t rely on management to help you leave early, use an entitlement day or call in.


Well-Known Member
As long as the check clears who gives a :censored2: about their disingenuous cookouts with the cheapest hotdogs on the planet
Believe me, I definitely agree with the gist of your post, but it's the fact that they don't show us the least bit of appreciation for working safely and busting our balls for them anymore, that bothers me a little. Not that much, if I'm being 100% honest.

If they never did these things in the past, then I wouldn't have even mentioned it. But they did.

And now they do not.