Finally Noticing Employee Problem(?)


Extra Large Package
Social Security contributions buy Treasury Bills backed by the full faith and credit of the US government. You cashed your check because there existed a need in your own personal life. I deposited my check but still hold the funds in my account to pay my 2022 federal income tax liability since I am subject to ES 40. Furthermore, my party thanks to your Dear Leader having failed miserably to control COVID knew that there would be those who were in serious need and did something about it. All your party did was cry about the deficit which your Dear Leader added 8 trillion dollars to and of course the need to give the ultra wealthy even bigger tax cuts.

They deposited that check, like you, because they sent it to me. I deposited it as well and still how my funds because I don't live beyond my means like most people do nowadays. Also, more people in the US have died from Covid in 2021 (under Biden) than under Trump, so I'd say your Dear Leader has failed miserably. Unfortunately, Biden doesn't even know what planet he's on at this point. He a stumbling, bumbling, old man shuffling around wherever people guide him. The reason why there was "a need" during covid (like you say) is because Democrats shut down our economy as their reaction to Covid putting millions of people instantly out of work. Problem, reaction, solution. Now those people don't want to work anymore, so we're facing a who new crisis of trying to get people to be willing to work again.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I suspect this boss won’t remain employed by FedEx for long. She’ll probably awaken to the reality of who she works for.



Just telling it like it is
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Inordinately Right
It’s a good thing FedEx is one of the “most admired” companies to work for. Unless you’re not white.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I’m sure a two-faced SOB like Cohen is the type of person you and your wife hobnob with frequently.
I don't care what anybody else says, you certainly do add a lot of insight and well reasoned analysis to any discussion in which you participate.


Just telling it like it is
I don't care what anybody else says, you certainly do add a lot of insight and well reasoned analysis to any discussion in which you participate.
Since when would I ever need your approval?

And BTW, if you even bothered to watch the RLA video, Cohen displayed the most blatant example of butt kissing in American history. But I suppose that kind of practice is standard procedure at the Memphis tower.