Finally won bid on route


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Take a sick day and follow the other driver. Get the printout and drive it on the weekend.
Just to clarify I said take a sick day, which is a paid day. I was only trying to give him a way to learn the route since after a month he still wasn't on it and I'm sure if he had the area knowledge he would be on it.
Where I'm at, we don't get paid "sick days".
Wouldn't that be dishonest to code a sick day when you weren't sick?
How do you explain suggesting they "get a print out and drive it on the weekend"?

Don't forget to beep your horn every 5 seconds while backing up.

The problem isn't the driver's to solve.

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Since going to cover driver in May, I've done about a dozen routes plus many different split areas. Different everyday. I've only been trained on 3, all the rest blind. Always finish "on time".

Hint: Good smartphone with portable charger. ;)

In my first 10 years I learned over 35 routes; 33 of them blind. Hint: buy a map book. They don't need chargers.

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JL 0513

Well-Known Member
In my first 10 years I learned over 35 routes; 33 of them blind. Hint: buy a map book. They don't need chargers.

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I have a map book as a backup but it would take 2 days to run a blind route having to look up each street in the tiny print. Were you getting 160 blind stops a day back then? The only way to be time effective is to map out your next stop during your walks and be ready to roll as soon as you reach the PC. I ain't carrying a huge map book back and forth from the customers door looking like an idiot. I can see the streets labeled super clear on my 5.5" screen while the print in the paper map is blurred and virtually all blended together for lack of space. No thanks.


Well-Known Member
Have only done 150 or so routes in 19 years. About 110 I learned on my own. The first 100 were done in a map book. Now the map book is back up.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Do you really have to look up every street on the route. Most of the time you can follow EDD and get most of your stops off. No supervisor is going to be able to train you on every street on the route. Some things you have to learn on your own. You get paid by the hour.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
With Google Maps, what's really efficient too is that you only have to type the first 2 or 3 letters of the address and it predicts the rest based on your location. Posters in the past have argued that it would take too much time anyway to type an address. You don't have to. Finding an address now is as fast and easy as texting your friend "OK".

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
Do you really have to look up every street on the route. Most of the time you can follow EDD and get most of your stops off. No supervisor is going to be able to train you on every street on the route. Some things you have to learn on your own. You get paid by the hour.

Yes, you don't have to look up every street. Often times, it runs in a logical order. Depends how tight your route is. Or the time of layout you're dealing with. The ones you really have to look up are the streets that aren't off the main roads.

I learn the areas very effectively starting out with the use of Google maps. It's those first 2-3 days in a new area that you don't want a disastrous day. I like to be effective no matter where I happen to be put on.

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
I keep that map book close by. I have had that phone die on me before.

I have a Galaxy Note 2 with a huge battery + a power bank (portable charger). That totals over 12,000 mAh a day. Enough to stream internet radio and run Maps all day long, and internet browse at lunch.


Well-Known Member
Do you really have to look up every street on the route. Most of the time you can follow EDD and get most of your stops off. No supervisor is going to be able to train you on every street on the route. Some things you have to learn on your own. You get paid by the hour.
I'm ready to bid on some routes they need to hurry up and post them. I have a feeling it won't happen before peak.
I have a Galaxy Note 2 with a huge battery + a power bank (portable charger). That totals over 12,000 mAh a day. Enough to stream internet radio and run Maps all day long, and internet browse at lunch.
I need one of those

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Too much work. If you knew your next 5 like you are supposed to you take a quick look at a map page, and map a route for those stops in about 4.6 seconds. So now I have my next five GTG as you're still typing on your silly little phone.

Those 35 routes were learned out of hunger and desperation to work my first three summers. My usual route as a pup was a 250 plus 500 piece monster. And I am not in a big city, nothing more than 3 stories allows in my hood. Only in the last few years have I gotten away from it.

BTW my map book costs 25 bucks and never needed insurance on it. Even got the center to buy it for me.

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