Well-Known Member
We are free to live wherever we want with the SS we're entitled to. If the U.S. doesn't want an elderly exodus it has to stop being so greedy. You may get by fine when you're working full-time. A whole different world for those on limited fixed income.
Elderly Exodus?


Well-Known Member
Able bodied doesn't end at 65.
For a lot of blue collar workers their bodies are pretty broken down by full retirement age. You want us to support young, able bodied people but make people who worked hard all their lives continue to do so until they drop dead. Social justice, huh?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!

If you have $100 subject to taxation at 40% you get $40.

If you cut the tax rate to 20%, you need to double economic activity to get the same $40.

Now the argument seem to be that cutting the tax rate spurs economic activity.

Well, yeah. When prices are lower/net incomes are higher, that's what tends to happen.

Even if you double economic activity, you still haven't even begun to touch the budget deficit or the debt.

You avoid the deficit by spending less than revenues.

Now who believes the economic activity will double? If it doesn't, the deficit and the debt explode.

Really? Why?


Staff member
For a lot of blue collar workers their bodies are pretty broken down by full retirement age. You want us to support young, able bodied people but make people who worked hard all their lives continue to do so until they drop dead. Social justice, huh?
I want them to help kids in overcrowded schools learn to read.