High Seniority Package Car Drivers -. Why didn't you go feeders?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Just wanted to get some input from Service Providers that decided feeders wasn't for them. Why did you stay in package? The reason I ask is because I know so many co workers that went to feeders, and every time I talk to them they tell me how great it is and how I should get my name on the waiting list. So for those who stayed, what were the reasons for not transferring to feeders?
Feeders? You want to walk around all day looking like a sleepy Humpty Dumpty?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't want to go to feeders because of having to start out on the graveyard shift but allot of guys ahead of me in seniority would. Our center is still mostly locked out of the feeder work we do have so it doesnt really matter.


Well-Known Member
Seen some actually come back to package car, either couldnt sleep during the day or the wife didnt like it. One had to come back to days because his wife would run around and cheat if he wasnt home at nights.
Now she probably does that during the day. Just like many delivery dopes, once a runner always a runner. He should have stayed in feeders , bought a big boat, then hang out during the day with younger ladies. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Agreed on the doubles in the snow!!
My understanding is your seniority follows you...
Not in all locals. In the 177 you lose your seniority, so that’s a big reason most don’t come to feeders here. You only keep your seniority for lay-off and vacation picks.


Well-Known Member
I worked a couple of night jobs in my life. Not for me. We had NO daytime feeder routes out of my building. Night time was for partying, love making and sleeping. Not for stareing at headlights for 10+ hours. Besides that I didn't want to get fat.
Partying??? Lovemaking??? You are a real playboy..... aren’t ya’!! LmAo


Well-Known Member
Most guys who would sign a feeder bid at my old center would end up pulling their name off because their wives didn't want to be home alone at night. I solved that problem when I first started UPS by taking my wife with me sometimes on a Friday night. bj's on a night time shuttle route were the best :-)


Well-Known Member
99% of the drivers don't come over because they are scared of change. I try to explain to these old heads its a good thing to get out of your comfort zone every now and then. Whats the worst that can happen? You don't like feeders then just go back to package. You have nothing to lose unless you never try it and miss out on a great oppuntinity.


Well-Known Member
99% of the drivers don't come over because they are scared of change. I try to explain to these old heads its a good thing to get out of your comfort zone every now and then. Whats the worst that can happen? You don't like feeders then just go back to package. You have nothing to lose unless you never try it and miss out on a great oppuntinity.
@Indecisi0n IS RIGHT....”what’s the worst that can happen????”...


Well-Known Member
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Senior Feeder Driver once told me,

" You're worst day in Feeder is still TEN times better than your best day in package"


Well-Known Member
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Senior Feeder Driver once told me,

" You're worst day in Feeder is still TEN times better than your best day in package"
For me the lack of respect from the company was a huge issue for me. It was only a matter of time before I punched one of my managers in the face (worth prison time).

Fuzzy Brown

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to get some input from Service Providers that decided feeders wasn't for them. Why did you stay in package? The reason I ask is because I know so many co workers that went to feeders, and every time I talk to them they tell me how great it is and how I should get my name on the waiting list. So for those who stayed, what were the reasons for not transferring to feeders?
I’m allergic to diesel.


Man of Great Wisdom
99% of the drivers don't come over because they are scared of change. I try to explain to these old heads its a good thing to get out of your comfort zone every now and then. Whats the worst that can happen? You don't like feeders then just go back to package. You have nothing to lose unless you never try it and miss out on a great oppuntinity.
This old head had no interest in feeders.