Hold All Tickets!!!

Rack em

Made the Podium
Was wondering how long it was going to take to get a post about it on here....the big question is if true are they going to be able to get anything worthwhile out of it or just their original deal with the company ...
It will go back to the original deal, they will vote it down AGAIN, then they will impose it...That's my guess.


Marty Peters kid
It will go back to the original deal, they will vote it down AGAIN, then they will impose it...That's my guess.
I wonder if Hoffa did this to lessen the blow for the 2021 election, especially if his son Hoffa jr. throws his hat into the election....or that even goes for Hall..... if they imposed this anyone remotely associated with Hoffa/Taylor would pretty much have no chance in hell in 2021.... some people dont forget...


My Senior Picture
Was wondering how long it was going to take to get a post about it on here....the big question is if true are they going to be able to get anything worthwhile out of it or just their original deal with the company ...
I'm also interested in "why"???...."what happened" to facilitate this mood swing???

....but by all means, God Speed!!!!


If it’s brown, it’s going down
Wait for the thread to pop up about how selfish these members are for fighting for a good contract holding up the back pay. @BiggieBrown or any of the mechanics in progression will not like this :raspberry:.


If it’s brown, it’s going down
That’s what I was thinking.... let ups owe the members 3 billion in back pay... lol.. see how the company spins that with the shareholders...lol
UPS is already pissed off with not getting 22.4s in on Saturday as earlier as possible. Yeah that would be awesome to see Mr. Abney tell the share holders we lost billions due to paying our employees the money we owed them.


If it’s brown, it’s going down
I'm happy to see some of the locals are pushing this leadership to its limits with voting down garbage contracts. I wonder what @BigUnionGuy thinks of this? Good or bad? I would think he should be happy that the union is sticking to the members and not taking the easy way out.