Holding on to yesterday


Well-Known Member
Remember how these little guys would dance around
and talk to each other?



One of my favorite shows as a child was the Sid & Marty Kroft Saturday Morning Show. Dr. Shrinker, Electro Woman & Dina Girl, Bigfoof & Wildboy, Far out Spaced Nuts! The Groovey Ghoulies! Liddsville! Plasticman! Captain Caveman! Superfriends! G-Force! Johnny Soko & his Amazing Giant Robot! I wish I was a kid again!

captain kool and the kongs dig dis post!


And Mr.Rogers,
who always made me feel special!!

He was special.
Mr. Rodgers was a Navy Seal in Nam. He specialized in hand to hand combat. 19 confirmed kills.
He found religion and became a minister.
He wore long sleeves to hide his tattoos.

And lets not forget ''The Captian''

"The Captain" was a "beach master" (meaning "under fire" he directed wounded out and fresh troops in on Iwo Jima.
Eddie Albert, of Green Acres fame, ferried the wounded off Iwo under heavy fire.
Funny that we only knew them as kind old men, in our youth.
When in fact, we were gazing upon heroes.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
And Mr.Rogers,
who always made me feel special!!

He was special.
Mr. Rodgers was a Navy Seal in Nam. He specialized in hand to hand combat. 19 confirmed kills.
He found religion and became a minister.
He wore long sleeves to hide his tattoos.

And lets not forget ''The Captian''

"The Captain" was a "beach master" (meaning "under fire" he directed wounded out and fresh troops in on Iwo Jima.
Eddie Albert, of Green Acres fame, ferried the wounded off Iwo under heavy fire.
Funny that we only knew them as kind old men, in our youth.
When in fact, we were gazing upon heroes.
another tuff guy & war hero ,fought in the Pacific Islands & got a couple of purple hearts!! They don't make movies like the Dirty Dozen anymore!!!



Staff member
He was special.
Mr. Rodgers was a Navy Seal in Nam. He specialized in hand to hand combat. 19 confirmed kills.
He found religion and became a minister.
He wore long sleeves to hide his tattoos.

Actually, Fred Rogers was never in the service, never killed anyone, and had no tatoos. Urban myth.

And lets not forget ''The Captian''

Bob Keeshan enlisted, but never saw action. Lee Marvin did not see action at Iwo Jima, but did see action and was wounded elsewhere. Urban myth again.


Well-Known Member
They sure don't make them with this much class and integrity
any more. And these are just a few who were highly decorated,
let alone Desi Arnez, Art Carney, Tony Curtis, Paul Newman, Mickey
Rooney, Dennis Weaver, etc. etc. who simply served.

Ronald Reagan - Army Reserve as a Private. 2nd Lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corp of the Cavalry. Active duty US Army Air Corp,
promoted to Captain

James Stewart - Army Air Force Colonel and BrigGenl. Bomber Pilot.
Distinguished Flying Cross. His son, a 1st Lieut, killed in Nam in '69.

James Arness - U.S.Army. Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Good Conduct

Ed McMahan - Marine Fighter Pilot. Flew 85 missions. Became Colonel.

Jason Robards - Radio man, U.S. Navy. Navy Cross

Martha Raye - Formed first U.S.O. troupe. Nursed and entertained.
Medal of Honor for her years during WWII, Korea and Nam.

Clark Gable - AAF. Flew missions over Europe in B 17's

Henry Fonda - U.S. Navy (my dad served with him) Natl Defense Medal

Charlton Heston - Army Air Copr Sgt. - Natl Defense Medal

Ernest Borgnine - U.S. Navy Gunners Mate - Natl Defense Medal

Charles Durning - Army - Silver Star, Purple Heart

Charles Bronson - Tail Gunner with 25 missions. Purple Heart

Glen Ford - Marines & U.S. Navy Captain

George C. Scott - Decorated U.S. Marine Sgt.

Eddie Albert - U.S. Naval Landing Officer - Purple Heart

Brian Keith - Decorated Marine rear gunner

Lee Marvin - U.S. Marines - Purple Heart

Rod Serling - U.S. Army - Purple Heart

John Wayne - football injury stopped him from joining. Worked w/ USO
in WWII and Nam. Natl. Americanism Gold Medal

Tyrone Power - Decorated U.S. Marine pilot

Alec Guinness - British Royal Navy Landing craft

David Niven - Lt. Colonel of the British Commandos in Normandy

Donald Pleasance (The Great Escape) R.A.friend fighter pilot held by
the Germans aa a P.O.W.


What about Star Trek and good ole Captain Kirk?

Tater's Dad: I think I recognize that picture of captain kirk from a particular episode. They land on a planet and people in their memories are popping up in physical form. I think that picture from your avatar is when he is fighting "Finnegan", a guy who played pranks on kirk in his academy days .


Well-Known Member
that's pretty funny , i sent the link to my brother and he printed and posted it on the refrigerator door before he left for work this morning. He just called me up to tell me that when he got home that he found it on the kitchen floor in about 40 pieces.

Your bro must enjoy living dangerously...:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
What in the world does the silly woman above have to do with
"Holding On To Yesterday?"

This is the lady we should be celebrating!!!!!!



golden ticket member
Mighty Mouse Theme Song lyrics

Mr. trouble never hangs around,
when he hears this Mighty sound,
Here I come to save the day!
That means that Mighty Mouse is on the way!
Yes sir, when there is a wrong to right,
Mighty Mouse will join the fight!
On the sea or on the land,
He's got the situation well in hand!


Retired 22 years
Mighty Mouse Theme Song lyrics

Mr. trouble never hangs around,
when he hears this Mighty sound,
Here I come to save the day!
That means that Mighty Mouse is on the way!
Yes sir, when there is a wrong to right,
Mighty Mouse will join the fight!
On the sea or on the land,

He's got the situation well in hand!

Andy Kaufman had a great version of this