How to go from PT supervisor to FT?


I just recently became a pt supervisor and would like to know if anyone can tell me how to become a FT supervisor as fast as possible. I understand this won’t be something that’s gonna happen overnight or anything. I’m aware that going FT is a big commitment and is not for everyone but I would like to know how to increase my chances of getting a FT position. TIA !


IE boogeyman
I just recently became a pt supervisor and would like to know if anyone can tell me how to become a FT supervisor as fast as possible. I understand this won’t be something that’s gonna happen overnight or anything. I’m aware that going FT is a big commitment and is not for everyone but I would like to know how to increase my chances of getting a FT position. TIA !
be in school, make your FT and manager happy with you, be organized, never complain or excuse poor performance, treat your employees fairly but always hold them to the standard, keep your hands off the packages


be in school, make your FT and manager happy with you, be organized, never complain or excuse poor performance, treat your employees fairly but always hold them to the standard, keep your hands off the packages
Thanks for the tips, I’m currently looking into getting my associates. So is the reason you say “keep your hands off the packages” so I don’t get a grievance(s)?

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
It is difficult as it is a bottle neck.
LOTS of pt Sups vying for less than a handful of ft positions thar may open up.
It might not be what you know, but who you know?


IE boogeyman
So is the reason you say “keep your hands off the packages” so I don’t get a grievance(s)?
no, it’s so you keep your mind focused on your real job: training and improving the skill level of your new and older employees

every package you handle is less time you could have been doing something actually useful

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
How helpful in improving my chances would getting an associates degree be you think?

I'd think an associates degree would be helpful for landing a decently paying job that utilizes the practical skills you learned at the CC. RN, electrical, surveying, utility, HVAC etc.

Probably not that helpful in moving up the management ladder of a large corporation.


Well-Known Member
I'm told a bachelors isn't required to be management in operations but you'll never go any higher or anywhere else within the company.

A bachelors is required if you want to climb the ladder of success. Amazingly it doesn't matter what your bachelor degree is in.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
I'm told a bachelors isn't required to be management in operations but you'll never go any higher or anywhere else within the company.

A bachelors is required if you want to climb the ladder of success. Amazingly it doesn't matter what your bachelor degree is in.
Correct. It could be a BA in basket weaving and they wouldn’t care.


Well-Known Member
I'd think an associates degree would be helpful for landing a decently paying job that utilizes the practical skills you learned at the CC. RN, electrical, surveying, utility, HVAC etc.

Probably not that helpful in moving up the management ladder of a large corporation.
you aint getting an RN with an assoc degree.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I just recently became a pt supervisor and would like to know if anyone can tell me how to become a FT supervisor as fast as possible. I understand this won’t be something that’s gonna happen overnight or anything. I’m aware that going FT is a big commitment and is not for everyone but I would like to know how to increase my chances of getting a FT position. TIA !
Are you a minority? If so, your chances are greatly improved.


Well-Known Member
A female minority doesn't even have to apply .They just tell UPS if they want the position or not.

Must be the truth. I had to stop by the HR/employment office to ask about something I got in the mail and it was literally nothing but minority women. I was the only male and the only white person in the whole building.

Nice ladies, though.


Well-Known Member
Must be the truth. I had to stop by the HR/employment office to ask about something I got in the mail and it was literally nothing but minority women. I was the only male and the only white person in the whole building.

Nice ladies, though.
We need to make America male again.