Incident at Hub


Well-Known Member
its simple, own up to your mistakes.

He couldnt even talk with the new driver about it. Selfish and Shady for puting the new guy trying to qualify in a position like that.

The golden rule doesnt apply in our culture anymore


Well-Known Member
I would have ZERO trouble turning in someone that hit my package car and basically said ":censored2:". He would also have to explain to my face why he thought he could just drive away and leave me with the problem.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Am i wrong for telling the driver sups that a fellow teamster while he was backing up at the dock next to my package car hit and cracked my right side mirror and window? I just qualified and embarked on this new career and this happened. I did write it up for the mechanics to fix but i was scared and wanted to cover myself... Am i wrong?
I write it up and get a new window. No one cares. The last thing I would be is a rat. The bright side of all this is you can see again without all that hard water buildup from the car wash.


Well-Known Member
Don't know where some of you work but around here not reporting an accident regardless of the damage will get you fired. The other driver has put both of them in a bad spot by not doing the right thing and reporting the incident to a supervisor. Both of them could be fired for not reporting it as both were technically involved, don't begin your career at UPS by putting a question mark regarding your integrity. Save the don't throw a fellow teamster under the bus bs for something that won't get you terminated.


Bad Moon Risen'
Report it and maybe get a warning letter.
Don't report it, get caught and probably be fired or at least get some time off without pay while going through the grievance procedure.


Well-Known Member
I hate how these threads always end up as a debate between two extremes. In most cases, you shouldn't be a rat under any circumstances. In this case, he could be fired for dishonesty because of what someone else did (and ultimately, didn't or wouldn't do). This is that gray area IVE was talking about. Yes, it does exist, Upstate.

In that position, I would've talked to the other driver and asked him if he was going to report it, explaining the difficult position it puts me in if he doesn't: the choice between possible termination for which the union may not be able to get my job back, or being a rat. Offer to go in as a witness if he wants one so they can't claim it wasn't reported later on.

If he doesn't want to come clean under any circumstances, then and only then, report the incident.