Is this normal?

Hub Rat

It's becoming an increasingly common practice in my hub for non-sups to carry radios, especially in the secondary sort aisles. We're currently running 5 sorts and none of those sorts actually have supervisors up there with them, hence the non-sups now carrying radios.

Surely this can't be a normal practice, right? I mean it's not like our hub has a shortage of supervisors. In fact, it seems like new hires who've been around for only a few months suddenly become supervisors. (Just imagine how well peak is going when you have some PD Wall hire-turned supervisor running a belt on secondaries. Makes sense to me, what could possibly go wrong? /s)

Additionally, if one is carrying a radio and isn't a supervisor, aren't you supposed to be paid for that?

In hindsight this probably belongs in the Union section, but yolo.
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Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
it seems like new hires who've been around for only a few months suddenly become supervisors.

Yep, checks out.

Additionally, if one is carrying a radio and isn't a supervisor, aren't you supposed to be paid for that?

Yep. Extra 3 cents an hour for carrying a radio.

We're currently running 5 sorts and none of those sorts actually have supervisors up there with them

Sounds pretty good.

Hub Rat

Yep, checks out.

Yep. Extra 3 cents an hour for carrying a radio.

Sounds pretty good.

Well, so much for people needing to be there for at least a year and, like, knowing their area. 10/10 best hiring practices UPS

I hope you're taking the piss, because an extra 3 cents, really? Eh, then again, listening to a manager screaming on the radio at a supervisor is priceless.

It's good until they treat you like you're a supervisor while at the same time giving you no autonomy in your area because you're beholden to the supervisors on the floor below you. And God forbid you're running a sort that uses both sides, so the supervisors on both belts can and will stop their belts and tell you to hold boxes, ignoring the fact that primaries doesn't stop so you're stuck sitting there at over 200% in your aisle while some idiot on the floor with no sense of urgency takes their sweet old time picking boxes off the floor while you're getting yelled at by the fulltime supervisor for a situation you literally cannot control.

...God this hub is run by mental midgets.


If you have a 2 way radio of your own you could have some fun jamming the channel. Ha ha!

That’s what I’am thinking

All part time sups report to parking lot G
Wait until it’s really cold

All full time Sups report to Division mgrs office right in the middle of the sort

Tell dispatch random doors need pulled NOW


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
That’s what I’am thinking

All part time sups report to parking lot G
Wait until it’s really cold

All full time Sups report to Division mgrs office right in the middle of the sort

Tell dispatch random doors need pulled NOW
I have a pair of those radios. I may start the Wally Broadcast System. Lol


Well-Known Member
It's becoming an increasingly common practice in my hub for non-sups to carry radios, especially in the secondary sort aisles. We're currently running 5 sorts and none of those sorts actually have supervisors up there with them, hence the non-sups now carrying radios.

Surely this can't be a normal practice, right? I mean it's not like our hub has a shortage of supervisors. In fact, it seems like new hires who've been around for only a few months suddenly become supervisors. (Just imagine how well peak is going when you have some PD Wall hire-turned supervisor running a belt on secondaries. Makes sense to me, what could possibly go wrong? /s)

Additionally, if one is carrying a radio and isn't a supervisor, aren't you supposed to be paid for that?

In hindsight this probably belongs in the Union section, but yolo.

Let me make sure I got this right. Someone with less seniority then you has a radio and you're upset about it?

Are they still sorting or are they standing around giving orders? They hand out radios to guys here all the time so that they can alert management to problems like jams.

So what's the big deal. I don't get it.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Let me make sure I got this right. Someone with less seniority then you has a radio and you're upset about it?

Are they still sorting or are they standing around giving orders? They hand out radios to guys here all the time so that they can alert management to problems like jams.

So what's the big deal. I don't get it.
Snowflake wants a toy too! NOT FAIR...WAAAAH!


My Senior Picture
Snowflake wants a toy too! NOT FAIR...WAAAAH!