Is working for UPS freight worth the hassle with management ?


Active Member
I have to agree 100 percent on that one.
What few customers we have left hate our service and lets not forget the bogus accessorial charges.
If only UPS really knew what is really going on...


New Member
the problem is, i think they do. any suggestions on how to change things for the better? to better understand the problem? somethng that can be forwarded up the food chain, to maybe make things more tolerable?
Do not know who you can address this to. Our terminal mgr. does not speak or acknowledge any drivers. In fact you very rarely see him and i work in a hub. The other mgmt. seem clueless and sups our only worried about numbers so they do not lose thier jobs. This has been this way for the last 2 years


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Welcome to UPS fellas. Where management's unofficial motto is "Too many chiefs, not enough indians." That's how it plays out on the street level, anyway....


Our management blames the city drivers for the decline in freight, saying we spend to long making our deliveries and pick ups making our costumers look bad so they can't get a good discounts. Sad so sad