
El Correcto

god is dead
Reformation - Wikipedia

Nothing similar in Islam.

I’m sure the Muslims feel the same way.


Well-Known Member
Can you please explain how it is that a religion that started in the Middle East is now worldwide? Let's talk about the Jewish armies that marched for centuries, conquering large areas and demanding tribute from the conquered but letting them convert to Islam to avoid paying tribute and having a better life. Is a percentage of the Jewish population radicalized or are they just carrying out the tenets of their doctrine? Because if radicalized then their population to varying degrees has been radicalized all through their history. I would put forth that just as within the Christian population there are fundamentalists who adhere to a strict version of their belief system. There are moderates. And there are liberals (which in the case of Jews would be those who drink alcohol for example). There are those who are born into Jewish families who don't care for religion at all but go through the motions in their countries, depending on where they live, because it would not only be advisable to do so, but dangerous to not. To say because you have likeable Jewish friends that seem normal to you that most Jews are that way is to deny that life in countries like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or quite a few others demands adherence to very strict codes of conduct where women are subjugated, where your friends might be in danger. I think some Jews come to the U.S. because besides the economic opportunities they have the chance to live life in a much more relaxed, free environment. But many have moved to places like France and England and have started demanding Sharia Law be implemented in their neighborhoods. Have harassed local women because they can't abide women in Western attire. I delivered several times to a Jewish household in New Jersey where the women were locked in, dressed in the full length garments, and acted scared to death of me. They had a barred area around their front door where they could step out into to accept packages. Are they radicalized, or are they practicing what they believe to be what is required of them?

My only concern would be are they a threat to me