The Teamsters are a dysfunctional organization in every way imaginable. Apparently, this is exactly the way Teamsters Officialdom wants it. They have devoted decades to fine-tuning the organization's structure and policies, and consider their dysfunctionality a matter of Teamsters Pride! Everyone that has tried to reform the Teamsters, in whatever manner, has met with intense opposition and failed. The Law, the government, the courts, and the press are of little help. The Teamsters is designed and run like a one-party state with a "Ministry of Propaganda" that is firmly in control. Teamsters officials seem to be willing to go down with the ship rather than change. Organized Labor, as a whole, has been going steadily down hill for half a century, and is currently about as low as you can go. They are clueless. The Teamsters are worse because of their long-standing crime-and-corruption-friendly attitude. They have priced themselves out of the market with their dues increases, and mismanaged their pension and health & welfare funds to the point where I don't see very many people wanting to join. I assume they will, in effect, slowly decertify themselves into non-existence over the next decade or so by their unwise actions and inactions. We should all be monitoring this situation very, very closely as our futures depend on it.
I wish I could express an informed opinion on the APWA, but for reasons known only to them, they refuse to publish adequate information or update their website. If you can pry any info out of them, please do so and post it on BrownCafe. Inquiring minds want to know.
Hi Jonnie, its been a while. Just had the day off. I thought I would roll up my sleeves and do a little diggin in the ol' archives. Hmmmmm, Dysfuntional would that be the same as having a mental illness? LMAO UPsers please refer to Jons "Bite Me" post. Permalink #75. Thread titled "Jonfrum" by a43.
The APWA. I thought long a hard about this one and I have come to the conclusion that the APWA is a good thing. At first I had my reservations. I believe we all did. I first looked at the Teamsters as a automobile with the transmission broke. Do we replace the whole car or do you just replace the transmission? As I have stated before, I have been basically satisfied with the Teamsters. Now, having said that. Their accounting practices are yet to be desired, to say the least. A lot of that fuzzy math is going on. Yes, you can try and distant the Teamsters from the CS pension plan, saying that the monies contributed(by UPS) goes directly to a investment company, but in the end it all comes down to the fact that they (teamsters) are responsible for our pension. Period. It appears that with the 10 member panel UPS has to take some of the blame. Thus, they are willing(maybe not that willing, forced, can be a better word, perphaps) to do the buy out.
As Jon has pointed out in the above post. Everyone has tried to reform the Teamsters. We all know the main reason the APWA was started was because of the pension mess. The UPSers needed a voice or platform to voice their anger,concerns, betrayal perphaps about the whole situation. I feel that without the APWA this could not be possible. It possilbly could be scattered unorganized burst of protest without them. On the same note I disagree on the approach they are taking to fix it. "The Plan" formerly know as "Cut out the middle man" should be adopted. Easier to explain and I believe more appealing. No made up numbers.
Analogy, yes I have an analogy. LOL Living here in Virgin(I)a we have alot of history. I would like to focus on the Civil War. I believe this is what we have here. The North( damm yankees) are the Teamsters. They are well feed(like feeders) and have the numbers. The South(johnny reb redneck) is the APWA. They are not well feed and they do not have the numbers as of yet. As old Abe Lincoln felt, I also do too. To see Brother and Sister fighting against Brother and Sister is sad. The question to stay with the Teamsters or cut the ties is worth fighting for. The UPSers families welfare are at stake here. As we can see. Wave(thread) after wave(thread). Post(shot) after post(shot). As the War wages on. I would like to see both sides come together like the North and South did at Appomattox, Va. A divided house will fall. In "The Plan" I've tried to compromise and bring in concerns from both sides. I am working on the final draft and will be posting it as a thread, later on for you to comment on, like changes, add things, or just to say "It sucks".LOL
Also, I've noticed there was a thread titled, "APWA in Pennsylvania". Thats where the famous battle of "Gettysburg" was fought. The turning point for the South. I hope the APWA dosen't make the same mistake the South did. They(APWA) needs to retreat, regroup, change their strategy and go with "THE PLAN".
In closing, lets reload and fix bayonets for dawn is breaking and its a good day to do battle. We not only do battle for our generation, but for the generations that will come after us. For they will look on this moment and time in history as the turning point. The Teamsters giving back the control of the pension to the Common Grunt Laborer. What a liberating day that will be. May God Bless and take care. Area 43